I gatti sono notoriamente schizzinosi. Molti gattini storceranno il naso anche per le marche di cibo per gatti premium con un'aria di disgusto. Se il tuo gatto esigente sta dicendo "no" ai cibi commerciali, allora perché non provare a ravvivare le cose con cibi umani per il tuo gatto?
Nutrire il tuo cibo per gatti commerciale ogni giorno sembra banale non solo per te ma anche per il tuo gatto schizzinoso. Molti proprietari di animali domestici nutrono sincere preoccupazioni sugli ingredienti e sui processi di produzione di alimenti commerciali eccessivamente trasformati. Gli alimenti naturali sono più attraenti e appetibili per gli animali domestici. Tuttavia, quali cibi umani possono mangiare i gatti?Prova a diventare lo chef personale del tuo gatto. Concediti una preparazione dei pasti personalizzata con i seguenti alimenti umani sani e naturali per gatti. I livelli di energia di Kitty aumenteranno e il suo pelo sembrerà più sano grazie alle vitamine e ai minerali aggiunti.
Perché non dare una nuova primavera al passo del tuo gatto e stuzzicare le papille gustative del gatto perspicace con l'aggiunta di cibi umani gustosi e sani?
Sì, i gatti possono mangiare determinate verdure. Se possiedi piante d'appartamento, è probabile che tu abbia sorpreso il tuo gattino a masticare le foglie. La maggior parte dei gatti si trasforma in foraggio grezzo nel naturale sforzo di aggiungere fibre alla loro dieta. Puoi sostituire le foglie delle tue piante da appartamento (e salvare i danni alle foglie) integrando il cibo del tuo gattino con piccole porzioni di verdure sicure per i gatti.
I gatti sono carnivori obbligati e richiedono proteine animali per una salute ottimale. I loro tratti digestivi sono adatti al consumo di carne. Non digeriscono bene il materiale vegetale in eccesso, ma hanno bisogno di un certo grado di foraggio grezzo nella loro dieta per una salute ottimale, motivo per cui i gatti spesso pascolano su foglie ed erba.
Sebbene i gatti abbiano pochissimo bisogno di verdure nella loro dieta quotidiana, possono comunque essere utili come snack occasionali o come decorazioni per i pasti. Le verdure contengono livelli importanti di vitamine e sostanze nutritive che possono aiutare a migliorare la salute dei tuoi gattini.
L'aggiunta di piccole quantità di verdure alla dieta di un gatto in sovrappeso può essere utile perché l'alto contenuto di acqua e la fibra presenti nelle verdure aiutano il tuo gattino a sentirsi sazio più a lungo, riducendo le abitudini alimentari e le voglie di cibo dell'animale.
Quando acquisti verdure per gatti, prova a scegliere biologico, privo di pesticidi. Lava sempre accuratamente le verdure prima di darle da mangiare al tuo amico peloso. Ecco alcune verdure per far assaporare il tuo felino:
Sì! Anche se le carote potrebbero non essere la prima verdura che pensi di nutrire il tuo gatto, possono essere uno spuntino eccellente. Sono carichi di beta carotene che fa bene agli occhi e al pelo del tuo gatto. Sono anche una fonte di vitamina E, potassio e fibre.
Le carote possono essere uno spuntino salutare purché vengano alimentate con moderazione. Gli zuccheri naturali nelle carote possono causare problemi digestivi nei gatti se sovralimentati.
I pezzi interi o grandi di carote crude sono molto duri. Se il tuo gatto è abituato a masticare croccanti e naturali, puoi provare a offrire al tuo gatto una sottile striscia di carota da sgranocchiare, ma possono anche essere un rischio di soffocamento se il tuo gatto decide di ingoiarne un grosso pezzo.
A volte. Sebbene le patate bianche non siano cariche di sostanze nutritive come le altre verdure della nostra lista, sono sicure da nutrire come trattamento molto occasionale. Assicurati di nutrire solo patate sbucciate e cotte. La buccia della patata e la polpa della patata acerba o non cotta contengono una tossina chiamata solanina.
Le patate sono un ingrediente comune nelle crocchette per gatti, ma non hanno molto valore nutritivo rispetto ad altre verdure sicure per i gatti. Le patate dolci, d'altra parte, offrono maggiori benefici nutrizionali rispetto alle patate bianche, come la vitamina C, il manganese e gli antiossidanti. Contengono inoltre fibre sia solubili che insolubili, quindi possono essere un efficace aiuto digestivo se somministrate a piccole dosi.
Sebbene siano un contorno popolare per i nostri pasti, molti dei modi in cui mangiamo le patate non vanno bene per i gatti. Il condimento, come il sale o l'aglio, non è sicuro per i gatti, quindi a meno che tu non mangi le patate insipide, non dovresti condividerle.
I gatti possono mangiare le patatine fritte? Sicuramente no. Le patatine fritte sono fritte, il che significa che assorbono gli oli durante la cottura e possono causare problemi digestivi nei gatti. Inoltre, le patatine fritte sono molto salate, il che è pericoloso in quantità sufficientemente grandi.
Quindi niente patatine fritte, ma per quanto riguarda le patatine? I gatti possono mangiare patatine? Scusa, ma ancora no. Proprio come le patatine fritte, le patatine sono fritte e molto condite, il che le rende malsane e potenzialmente tossiche per i gatti.
Lo so, lo so, i pomodori sono tecnicamente un frutto, ma spesso usiamo i pomodori come verdura, proprio come facciamo con cetrioli e melanzane (anche botanicamente frutti), quindi è su la nostra lista di verdure Affrontarla.
Quindi i gatti possono mangiare i pomodori? Possono, ma solo alcune parti. Proprio come le patate, solo alcune parti della pianta di pomodoro sono sicure. Lo stelo e le foglie contengono entrambi solanina, lo stesso composto presente nelle patate che è tossico per il tuo gatto. Anche i pomodori acerbi o verdi sono ricchi di solanina. Solo la polpa matura del pomodoro è salva.
I pomodori sono ricchi di vitamina C e potassio, oltre a un potente antiossidante chiamato licopene che aiuta a prevenire il danno cellulare ossidativo. Il pomodoro fornisce anche fibre sane per supportare la digestione del tuo gattino.
I pomodori possono essere una delizia sicura, molti cibi e condimenti popolari a base di pomodori non lo sono. I gatti possono mangiare ketchup, salsa di pasta o zuppa di pomodoro? No a tutti. Questi prodotti contengono zuccheri e spezie che sono dannosi o potrebbero causare problemi digestivi nei gatti.
Assolutamente! I broccoli contengono vitamina K e calcio, entrambi importanti per la salute scheletrica del tuo gatto. È anche un'utile fonte di fosforo, zinco e vitamine A. Le verdure sono generalmente una scarsa fonte di zinco, motivo per cui le diete complete di cibo per gatti trarranno zinco da carne, uova e legumi, ma i broccoli possono aiutare a tamponare un po' i livelli di zinco morso.
I broccoli possono essere nutriti crudi, ma tieni presente che i gambi sono duri e possono essere difficili da digerire. I gambi crudi e duri dovrebbero essere passati in purea o tagliati a dadini molto fine. Cuocere o cuocere a vapore i broccoli ammorbidirà i gambi, basta saltare i condimenti, come burro e sale. I broccoli morbidi e cotti saranno sicuri da nutrire a cubetti, bocconcini.
Certo che possono! Il cetriolo è un concentrato di nutrienti a basso contenuto calorico, contenente vitamine C e K e magnesio. Nonostante la moltitudine di video di gatti che impazziscono con i cetrioli, sono un trattamento adatto e sicuro per il tuo gatto.
Le fibre e l'elevata concentrazione di acqua nel cetriolo li rendono un ottimo trattamento ipocalorico per i gatti paffuti. Possono aiutare il tuo gatto a sentirsi pieno e ridurre il desiderio di cibo, e l'umidità aggiuntiva aiuta a sostenere sia il tratto digestivo che quello urinario.
I gatti possono mangiare i sottaceti? Sicuramente no! I sottaceti vengono fatti fermentare in salamoia o aceto. Ad ogni modo, questi sono dannosi per i gatti e possono causare disturbi digestivi. Il sale e le spezie che vengono utilizzati possono essere molto pericolosi per i gatti, quindi questo gustoso spuntino per umani è uno che il tuo gatto dovrebbe evitare.
Lo consigliamo! Un'altra "vegetariana" che tecnicamente è un frutto, la zucca è carica di beta-carotene e vitamina A, C ed E, ma il più grande vantaggio della zucca è la sua fibra. La polpa di zucca è una miscela di fibre solubili e insolubili, il che significa che ingombra e assorbe acqua.
I gatti con digestione sensibile traggono beneficio dalla zucca nella loro dieta perché può aiutare sia con la diarrea che con la stitichezza. La zucca è utilizzata in molti alimenti commerciali per gatti, ma può anche essere usata a scopo preventivo o come rimedio rapido per un improvviso disagio digestivo. Per un'opzione di alimentazione facile, dai un'occhiata alla purea di zucca biologica Nummy Tum Tum.
E i semi? I gatti possono mangiare semi di zucca? Potresti essere sorpreso di apprendere che i gatti possono mangiare semi di zucca e goderseli davvero! I semi sono ricchi di acidi grassi omega-3 che possono supportare pelle + pelo, sistema immunitario e digestione.
I semi grezzi contengono acido fitico, che può ridurre la capacità del tuo gatto di assorbire i nutrienti. Per abbattere l'acido fitico, i semi devono essere messi a bagno per una notte o cotti. Per istruzioni dettagliate sull'ammollo dei semi, dai un'occhiata a Perfectly Rawsome.
Se le verdure nella nostra lista delle 5 migliori non fanno eccitare il tuo gatto, non preoccuparti, ci sono molte altre verdure sicure per i gatti che puoi Tentativo. Ricorda solo che tutte le verdure dovrebbero essere alimentate con moderazione con cibo per gatti completo ed equilibrato.
Sebbene ci siano molte verdure sicure per i gatti, i gatti non hanno bisogno di molto contenuto vegetale nella loro dieta totale. Il cibo per gatti completo ed equilibrato fornirà tutti i nutrienti essenziali di cui il tuo gatto ha bisogno, il che significa che qualsiasi verdura aggiuntiva dovrebbe essere somministrata con moderazione per prevenire la sovralimentazione di determinati nutrienti.
Dare da mangiare una singola porzione di uno o due cucchiai di verdure una volta alla settimana è sufficiente. Questo ti permette di offrire ingredienti alimentari freschi senza esagerare.
Tutte le cellule delle verdure hanno uno strato esterno indigeribile fatto di cellulosa. Questo è il motivo per cui si consiglia di abbattere questo strato cuocendo a vapore le verdure, rendendole più facili da digerire. Anche cuocere le verdure le ammorbidisce, quindi potrebbero risultare più appetibili per il tuo gatto.
Tuttavia, la cottura può portare a una perdita di nutrienti, quindi un buon modo per nutrire le verdure crude è lanciarle nel robot da cucina e passarle in purea. Questo li rende facili da usare come topper per i pasti.
Sappiamo che la frutta può essere ricca di vitamine e altri nutrienti benefici, ma in quanto carnivori, i gatti hanno pochissimo bisogno di frutta nella loro dieta. Tuttavia, ciò non significa che trattare occasionalmente il tuo animale domestico con alcuni frutti sicuri per i gatti possa comunque essere utile.
I frutti colorati e vivaci possono offrire fonti naturali di beta-carotene, vitamine idrosolubili e fibre, ma sono anche naturalmente ricchi di zuccheri della frutta. Un po' fa molto quando si tratta di frutta, e la frutta dovrebbe essere solo una piccola parte della dieta del tuo gatto, come l'1% o meno.
Questo può rendere difficile trattare il tuo gatto con la frutta, ma se sai quali frutti sono sicuri e benefici per i tuoi gatti, puoi trovare il modo di offrire occasionalmente al tuo gatto degli spuntini fruttati freschi e deliziosi.
Molti frutti sono sicuri per i gatti e, poiché mangiamo la nostra frutta cruda e fresca, è uno degli spuntini più facili da condividere con i nostri animali domestici. Ma solo perché i gatti possono mangiare la frutta, non significa che dovrebbero. Scopri quali frutti sono sicuri per i gatti e quanto di ciascuno è sicuro da nutrire.
Oh sì! Le banane sono un'ottima fonte di fibre e potassio e, in piccole porzioni, possono essere un utile aiuto digestivo per i gatti, ma l'alto contenuto di zucchero nelle banane significa che possono causare più problemi di quanti ne risolvano se ne mangi troppo. Cerca di non superare una o due porzioni a settimana.
I gatti sono mangiatori molto tattili, motivo per cui le banane non sono uno dei frutti da cui i gatti sono generalmente attratti. La consistenza pastosa può essere scoraggiante per i gatti, quindi buona fortuna fargli mangiare un pezzo di banana così com'è. Potresti avere più fortuna mescolando la banana con sapori o consistenze più desiderabili per mascherare il frutto.
Per quanto riguarda la preparazione, la buccia della banana non è tossica, ma può rappresentare un pericolo di soffocamento e può causare mal di pancia. La buccia di banana è molto difficile da digerire, quindi è più probabile che causi problemi anche se il tuo gatto riesce a masticarla.
Sì, possono! Oltre ad essere ricche di antiossidanti, le fragole contengono vitamina C, manganese e potassio. Sfortunatamente, le fragole sono anche ricche di zuccheri naturali della frutta, quindi nutrirle in grandi quantità può causare problemi digestivi.
Assicurati di rimuovere eventuali foglie o steli poiché possono causare irritazioni alla pelle a causa della forma frastagliata delle foglie. Trita o frulla le fragole e aggiungi le bacche al pasto successivo del tuo animale domestico.
Le fragole non sono l'unica bacca sicura per i gatti, tra l'altro. I gatti possono mangiare i mirtilli? Che dire di lamponi, mirtilli o more? Molte bacche sono sicure per i gatti e sono ricche di vitamine e antiossidanti che possono aiutare a migliorare la salute dei tuoi gatti.
I mirtilli rossi, ad esempio, sono un utile integratore per sostenere la salute urinaria nei gatti. Il mirtillo rosso in polvere, come i Cranimals, è un modo semplice per aggiungere il mirtillo rosso ai pasti del tuo gatto. Il mirtillo rosso è spesso usato anche nelle prelibatezze per la salute delle vie urinarie, come quelle di Emerald Pet.
Le bacche devono essere lavate e tritate, schiacciate o frullate per aumentare la digeribilità e l'assorbimento dei nutrienti. A causa della loro natura zuccherina e acida, le bacche dovrebbero essere alimentate con moderazione ed evitare sempre miscele di frutta zuccherate come marmellata, gelatina o ripieno di torte.
ovviamente! Potresti essere sorpreso di sapere che l'anguria è in realtà uno dei frutti più popolari per i gatti. Anche se per noi è una dolce sorpresa, i gatti tendono ad apprezzare la consistenza del melone fresco, quindi potresti scoprire che il tuo gatto chiede l'elemosina per un assaggio la prossima volta che apri un melone stagionale.
Le angurie contengono il 90% di umidità, quindi sono un'ottima opzione per mantenere il tuo gatto adeguatamente idratato. L'anguria è anche naturalmente ricca di vitamina C e antiossidanti, ma anche di zuccheri naturali della frutta. Non importa quanto il tuo gatto sia desideroso di un po' del tuo melone, mantieni piccole porzioni per prevenire disturbi digestivi.
Anche altri tipi di melone sono sicuri per i gatti. I gatti possono mangiare il melone o la melata? Proprio come l'anguria, sono sicuri per i gatti in piccole porzioni. Con tutti i meloni, assicurati di rimuovere la buccia o il seme e nutri solo la polpa di melone matura.
Sì! Le mele sono sicure da consumare per i gatti, ma solo se sono sbucciate e private del torsolo. La buccia è difficile da digerire, ma i semi nel nucleo contengono amigdalina, che contiene cianuro. Anche piccole quantità di cianuro possono essere estremamente pericolose per i gatti, quindi assicurati di rimuovere l'intero nucleo.
La mela è molto ricca di zuccheri della frutta, mentre questo può essere dannoso a dosi elevate e può portare a un mal di pancia del gattino. Le mele contengono anche una fibra solubile chiamata pectina. In piccole quantità, la pectina può aiutare a sostenere la digestione nutrendo i batteri sani nell'intestino del tuo gatto.
I gatti possono mangiare la salsa di mele? Raccomandiamo la maggior parte della frutta frullata per massimizzare la digeribilità, quindi la salsa di mele sembra un'opzione ideale. Ma fai molta attenzione a controllare l'elenco degli ingredienti sulla salsa di mele preconfezionata. Vengono spesso utilizzati zuccheri o conservanti aggiuntivi e non sono sicuri per i gatti.
I gatti possono mangiare la torta di mele? Sicuramente no! Sono gli ingredienti extra che rendono i cibi a base di mele non sicuri per i gatti, e questo vale anche per la torta di mele. Gli zuccheri, le spezie e la crosta possono essere malsani o semplicemente tossici per i gatti.
Sì, i gatti possono tranquillamente mangiare avocado e molti si divertono anche. Nutri solo piccole quantità di carne. Non dare la buccia o il seme a un gatto. La buccia e il nocciolo di un avocado contengono una persona, che è tossica per cani e gatti.
Gli avocado sono ricchi di grassi, vitamine E, A e B6 più aminoacidi. Possono aiutare a migliorare il pelo e la pelle del tuo gatto. Tuttavia, alcuni gatti hanno uno stomaco sensibile che potrebbe non rispondere bene all'alto contenuto di grassi che si trova negli avocado e potrebbe aumentare il rischio dell'animale di sviluppare un'infiammazione pancreatica, quindi attenersi a porzioni piccole e poco frequenti.
I gatti possono mangiare il guacamole? Mentre la polpa di avocado è sicura, il nostro piatto preferito di avocado, il guacamole non lo è. Il lime, il sale e l'aglio sono dannosi per il tuo gatto, quindi assicurati di attenerti solo alla polpa di avocado semplice e non stagionata.
Come affermato in precedenza, i frutti dovrebbero essere solo una piccola parte della dieta del tuo gatto, quindi non importa quale frutto sicuro per il gatto il tuo gattino ama, sii molto cauto su quanto e con quale frequenza gli dai da mangiare. Uno o due cucchiaini di purea di frutta a settimana sono tanti per un gatto carnivoro.
Una buona regola da seguire è che i frutti devono essere sbucciati, privati del torsolo ed eventuali bucce, foglie, noccioli e gambi. La polpa del frutto è l'unica parte che dovrebbe mai essere data in pasto al tuo gatto. I frutti di bosco, come i lamponi, possono essere tagliati a pezzetti e nutriti, ma come le verdure, tutta la frutta si digerisce meglio una volta frullata.
Un'altra cosa da tenere a mente è che il tuo gatto potrebbe non essere interessato alla frutta. Non hanno una preferenza per i gusti dolci, quindi i gatti schizzinosi possono storcere il naso davanti alla frutta fresca o alla purea di frutta. Lascia sempre che il tuo gatto provi il frutto prima di aggiungerlo al suo pasto, poiché potrebbe rifiutarsi di mangiarlo.
Molti proprietari di animali domestici si chiedono quando preparano la colazione:""I gatti possono mangiare farina d'avena?" Sì, i gatti possono mangiare cereali integrali o non raffinati, ma i cereali raffinati mancano del valore nutritivo dei cereali integrali che sono ricchi di ferro, fibre e vitamine.
Proprio come le verdure, i gatti non hanno bisogno di cereali nella loro dieta, ma ciò non significa che non abbiano valore nutritivo. Molti cereali integrali offrono vitamine, minerali e fibre utili per supportare la digestione.
Idealmente, i cereali non dovrebbero costituire più del 5-10% della dieta di un gatto. Questo è simile a quello che mangerebbe un gatto selvatico, sia attraverso il pascolo di erbe e altro materiale vegetale o dallo stomaco e dal contenuto digestivo delle prede selvatiche che consumano.
Ci sono molte ragioni per nutrire cereali carichi di vitamine, ferro e fibre per un valore nutritivo ottimale. Anche i cereali più sani devono essere nutriti con moderazione, soprattutto se il tuo gatto sta già seguendo una dieta ricca di carboidrati. I cereali come dolcetti sono meglio usati come fonte di fibre per supportare la digestione o come ingrediente in prelibatezze per gatti al forno o fatte in casa.
Possono! Il riso è uno dei cereali più utilizzati nel cibo per gatti. È ricco di fibre alimentari ed è un ingrediente economico per le crocchette del tuo gatto. Anche se può essere sicuro per i gatti, il riso è spesso abusato negli alimenti per animali domestici, quindi dovresti evitare di somministrare più riso se il tuo gatto sta già seguendo una dieta ricca di carboidrati, come le crocchette.
Sebbene non sia una bella sorpresa, può far parte di un'utile dieta casalinga per piccoli disturbi digestivi negli animali domestici. Una dieta blanda, come i semplici sostituti di nonna Lucy, di solito composta da riso cotto e pollo bollito, può essere somministrata per alcuni giorni per aiutare il tuo gatto a superare un attacco di diarrea.
Il riso bianco offre un'alimentazione limitata, a parte la fibra, ma il riso integrale può essere sostituito come opzione glicemica inferiore per ridurre i picchi di zucchero nel sangue e dare al tuo gatto un sensazione di pienezza se sono a dieta.
Tecnicamente sì, ma non dovrebbero. Mentre il grano è l'ingrediente principale di molti dei nostri carboidrati preferiti, il grano raffinato è molto alto sulla scala glicemica e non è ottimo per i gatti. Il grano integrale è migliore, ma non offrirà al tuo gatto nient'altro che non può ottenere dalle proteine animali fresche e da alcune verdure.
Ciò significa che il pane e altri cibi a base di farina, sebbene non tossici, sono solo un sacco di calorie vuote. Anche se possono essere uno spuntino ok e occasionale, ci sono cibi umani molto migliori e più nutrienti per il tuo gatto.
Le farine alternative, come la mandorla o il cocco, sono sicure anche per i gatti e hanno un basso indice glicemico, ma sono ricche di grassi, quindi dovrebbero essere limitate a un solo sfizio occasionale.
Sicuramente! L'avena è ricca di fibre solubili e antiossidanti. Sono anche a basso indice glicemico rispetto a molti altri cereali popolari, ma sono i migliori nella loro forma integrale e minimamente lavorata. L'avena tagliata in acciaio è l'opzione ideale.
Ciò significa che l'avena istantanea mattutina probabilmente non è l'opzione migliore. I pacchetti sono spesso aromatizzati o addolciti, il che causa problemi digestivi nei gatti. Se fai in casa la tua avena tagliata in acciaio, metti da parte una piccola porzione senza dolcificanti o spezie per il tuo gatto e raffreddala completamente prima di servire.
Assolutamente! Ok, quindi tecnicamente la quinoa è un seme, non un chicco, ma si mangia come un chicco. La quinoa è uno dei carboidrati più sottovalutati per gli animali domestici. È l'unico cereale considerato una proteina completa, il che significa che contiene tutti gli aminoacidi essenziali di cui i gatti hanno bisogno, tranne uno:la taurina.
È anche a basso indice glicemico, quindi è un'opzione migliore da includere nella dieta regolare del tuo gatto rispetto ai cereali nella nostra lista. È ricco di proteine e fibre e offre vitamine e minerali come manganese, fosforo e vitamine del gruppo B.
Se è così eccezionale, perché non è più popolare nel cibo per gatti? Come la maggior parte delle cose, si tratta di prezzo e disponibilità. Cereali come mais, avena e riso sono molto più convenienti, quindi sono preferiti dall'industria degli animali domestici.
Forse. Questo è controverso, per non dire altro. Il mais ottiene una brutta reputazione nel settore degli animali domestici e, sebbene molte delle preoccupazioni siano totalmente valide, il mais non è tossico per i gatti. I gatti non hanno bisogno dietetico di mais. It's not the best ingredient to include as a regular part of your cat's diet, but a little as a treat, it is safe, and contrary to popular belief, does actually offer some important nutrients.
Despite its high glycemic effects, corn is a source of vitamin C, protein, and fibre, which is why it's a common ingredient in pet food. The nutrients in corn may be sound appealing as a diet booster, but there are better sources of these nutrients in meat, vegetables, and fish, all of which are easier to digest.
Another thing to consider, and one of the reasons that corn is not a preferred cat food ingredient is the high risk of mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are produced by fungus and mould spores and are very common in corn crops.
Feed producers need to have stringent regulations and procedures to minimize and manage mycotoxin-infected crops. While these regulations reduce the risk, mycotoxins can still be a risk when feeding corn products to your pet.
Feed all grains in moderation. Grains are best fed cooked to soften them. Hard grains like rice or corn will be difficult to digest, and even soft grains like oats will break down faster if they are cooked or at least hydrated. Feed only a tablespoon once or twice a week, at most.
Use grains sparingly and only as treats or meal toppers rather than a regular addition to your pet's daily meals. While whole grains are safe for cats to eat, the majority of your cat's nutrients should come from animal proteins.
If you are looking for a healthy and popular way to use grains to treat your cat, try different types of cat grass, like barley grass, ryegrass, or oat grass like in the Catit Senses 2.0 Cat Grass Kit. These offer some soluble fibre, vitamins and minerals, and can help improve your cat's digestion when fed as an occasional treat.
If you are already feeding a kibble diet or a diet high in carbs, then skipping grains as treats altogether is the best practice.
We've been led to believe for a long time that cats love milk, and even if they do, milk doesn't love them back. While some cats can eat dairy without issue, most cats show symptoms of lactose intolerance. Some cats experience gas, vomiting, or diarrhea after consuming dairy products like milk or cheese.
The good news is that not all dairy products are a no-go for cats. Find out which of your favourite dairy treats are safe to share with your kitten, and which ones may actually be beneficial.
No. At least not cow's milk. You may have heard a rumour that cats are lactose intolerant. Even though cats show signs of lactose intolerance, it's actually because the pasteurized cow's milk that we drink is missing an important enzyme, called lactase, that breaks down lactose in milk.
Goat's milk on the other hand is safe for cats to consume. In fact, raw goat's milk is an excellent digestive aid for cats. Raw goat's milk is loaded with lactase, making the lactose in the goat's milk digestible.
Goat's milk also contains a different kind of milk protein, called casein, than cow's milk. This type of milk protein is easier to digest and not linked to the same allergy and digestive issues.
While goat's milk can be fed daily, it should be done in small servings to balance with their regular diet. One tablespoon per 10 lbs of body weight is a good daily amount. A more shelf-stable option for giving your cat goat's milk is The Honest Kitchen Goat's Milk Booster. It's a powdered goat's milk that can be made in single servings at a time by simply adding water.
Technically no, but kind of. Like milk, cooked or pasteurized cheese products are going to lack the lactase needed to digest the milk sugars in cheese. So should cats eat cheese? No, but can cats eat cheese? Very sparingly.
The type of cheese can also be a factor. Hard cheeses tend to be very salty, which is not good for your cat, while super soft cheeses have higher lactose contents.
Can cats have goat cheese? Goat dairy can again be the solution to the cat-dairy conundrum. Unpasteurized goat cheese can be a safer and more digestion-friendly option for cats that love cheese as much as we do. Check out brands like Happy Days for some ready-made cat-safe goat cheese treats for dogs and cats.
Surprisingly, yes! Yogurt is made from cow's milk, but the fermentation process involved in making yogurt starts to break down the lactose into more digestible sugars. But why would cats need yogurt? Well, it turns out that yogurt is a good source of protein, calcium, and contains digestion-friendly bacteria.
Stick to plain yogurt that leaves out the fruity flavours or added sugars. The natural sugars are more than enough already. Yogurt can be fed as a daily digestive aid, but keep your portions small. One tsp per day is enough to offer the digestive benefits of probiotics.
No. Butter isn't toxic to cats, but it's most definitely not good for them either. Butter is made from cow's milk, but it's a concentration of the fat and protein in milk. It's generally low in lactose or other milk sugars, but the high-fat content can lead to digestive upsets and pancreatitis if fed in large quantities.
Even small amounts of butter can lead to your cat having a soft or runny bowel movement. Keep butter covered or tucked away in the fridge to prevent a curious cat from stealing a taste.
For the most part, very small amounts of dairy from cow's milk is not likely to cause any major issues, so an occasional piece of cheese is fine, but to be safe e and get a nutritional benefit from your cat's treats, stick to goat's milk products instead.
Goat's milk will not only satisfy your cat's dairy addiction but when used regularly as a treat or meal topper, goat's milk and goat's milk products will support your cat's digestion. Even still, small portions are key. Goat's milk should be less than 10% of your cat's daily diet to prevent overfeeding or unbalancing your cat's total nutrition.
Cats thrive on a diet that includes certain meats such as chicken, beef, turkey, and duck. Meat contains the protein that cats require for a strong heart, good vision, and a robust reproductive system.
Always buy meat from a reputable source that is known for safe meat handling. If you feed meat, always wash, and sanitize the food bowls after the cat finishes dining on the meat to ensure good and safe hygiene.
Meat can be fed cooked or raw as a treat. As carnivores, cats are well suited to consuming animal protein, especially raw meat, because it is unaltered by heat that can denature or degrade nutrients. Feeding cooked meat as a treat is usually safe, so long as you skip all the seasoning and oils that you would normally use to cook meat for yourself.
Meat contains certain nutrients that are either difficult or impossible to find in plants ingredients. This is part of what makes cats carnivores. Some essential nutrients, like zinc and iron, are most abundantly sourced or most biologically available from meat.
Your carnivorous feline might not be picky about the kind of meat that you offer them, but some meats or cuts of meat might not be the ideal healthy snack for your cat.
First and foremost, stick to lean cuts of meat. While cats can handle a moderate amount of fat in their diet, excessive fat can lead to digestive issues, or even pancreatitis when fed in large quantities. Lean meats are a great way to provide long-term energy for muscle maintenance and are a desirable treat for picky cats.
Absolutely! Chicken is one of the most popular animal proteins used in commercial cat food. This is partially due to its cost and availability, but also because it's considered a biologically appropriate protein choice for cats. Wild cats often hunt birds, so your domesticated cat is well suited for digesting poultry.
Chicken can be fed either cooked or raw. If you choose to cook the chicken, skip the spices and cooking oils to keep the meat cat-safe. Breaded prepared chicken products like chicken nuggets or fried chicken are a no-go as well. Plain white chicken breast is the safest way to treat your cat with chicken.
Can cats eat chicken bones? Some pet owners give their cats bones to chew on, but you should opt for raw bones like chicken wings or necks. Cooked bones can splinter and cause injury to a cat’s gums or gastrointestinal tract. Only feed under supervision. Never leave your cat alone to chew on a bone.
Definitely! Though it's not as common an ingredient in many cat diets, beef is safe and nutritious for cats. Choosing the right cut of beef is important because beef can be very fatty in certain areas. Lean ground beef found at the grocery store typically has about 17% fat or lower which is suitable for cats.
You can cook the ground beef but make sure you leave out any spices or oils that can be harmful to your cat. This means that you can't just share your spaghetti and meatballs with your cat when she begs. The same rules apply to other kinds of beef.
A nice juicy steak may be one of your favourite ways to eat beef, but can cats eat steak too? While nutritionally, steak is fine for cats to eat, you will need to make sure that you cut the steak into small, bite-sized pieces to make sure that your cat can't choke.
Can cats eat raw beef? Cats can eat raw meat safely. While raw meat can contain bacteria that are harmful to us, your cat is built to eat raw meat and fight this bacteria in their gut. As a treat, raw meat should be fed in small pieces. Ground beef is soft and easy for your cat to chew, so it's the ideal format for cats that aren't accustomed to eating raw.
Yep! Unlike other red meats, lamb can be quite fatty. Choosing lean cuts is going to be important if you are using lamb as a treat for your cat. Ground lamb has a similar fat content to regular ground beef, so feed in moderation.
Like beef, lamb can be fed either cooked or raw safely. Lamb is a popular choice for cats with food allergies that need to avoid the most commonly used meats in cat food, like chicken and beef. If you choose chops or other whole cuts of meat, trim off any excess fat to make sure the lamb won't upset your cat's tummy.
Oh ya! This one might be surprising because, in the past, pork has been thought to carry parasites and be a generally poorer quality of meat. This is because pork is a known carrier of a parasite, called Trichinella. Fortunately, we've learned a lot about how to prevent and manage the risks of this parasite.
Firstly, thoroughly cooking pork is the way that we keep pork safe for ourselves, so cook up some pork, no spices or oils, for your kitty as a tasty treat. Feeding raw pork is also safe for cats, so long as the pork is frozen at temperatures below -15 C for at least 20 days. This is why raw pork diets for cats are becoming a popular option.
Pork can also be too fatty for cats, so make sure you stick to lean pork cuts. Ground pork can be inconsistent in its fat content, so as a treat, feed in moderation.
Much like chicken, turkey is a safe and popular meat option for cats. The fat content in turkey varies depending on the cut of meat. White meat is leaner, so look for lean ground turkey that will have more white meat and less dark. Turkey can be fed either raw or cooked to cats, just make sure you avoid any seasoning or oil during cooking.
When it comes to allergies, we often lump all poultry together, but that's not always the case. Cats with chicken allergies may not have the same reactions to turkey or other poultry, so don't discount turkey as a protein source for your cat's diet or as treats too quickly.
Avoid feeding precooked or processed turkey which is high in salt and other preservatives. This includes deli turkey or ready-made products in the freezer section of the grocery store.
Yes! Duck is an ideal source of vitamins, protein, and minerals for cats. While duck is often thought to be high in fat compared to other poultry, the majority of the excess fat is between the skin and muscle layers. If you do choose to treat your cat with a piece of duck, remove the skin and fat layer, offering only the lean muscle meat.
Duck is considered to be a novel protein, meaning it's uncommon in commercial cat diets. This is why it's often used in elimination diets for cats with suspected food allergies. Like other poultry, duck can be fed raw or cooked to your meat-loving cat.
Oh ya! Liver is just one of many animal organs that are not only safe for cats but extremely beneficial as a regular part of your cat's diet. As carnivores, cats are fully capable of getting their nutrients from animal ingredients, and liver is an especially important part of that.
Liver is loaded with iron and vitamins A, B12 and B6, and it's a flavour that cats tend to go crazy for. Liver has become very popular for cats, which is why it's easily found in cat treat formulas and as single-ingredient, freeze-dried cat treats.
Don't overdo it with liver snacks though, because vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning that your cat's body will start to store excess vitamin A and could lead to toxicity. Other organs like heart, kidney, and tripe are also suitable snacks for cats. Organs can be fed raw or cooked.
Many pet owners want to feed their cats an all-natural diet that consists of meat on a daily basis, and while different types of diets will offer different levels of meat inclusion, meat is one of the safest human foods to feed as a treat.
Meat is calorie-dense and filling, so don't go overboard. Meat can be fed daily as a treat or meal topper, but cut the meat into small treat-sized pieces and stick to treating only a few a day. This should be less than 10% of your cat's daily intake, so keep your portion sizes small.
Some of our favourite meaty treats are actually some of the worst things to share with your cat. Cured and heavily processed meats are filled with extra ingredients that are harmful to cats, even in small amounts. Plain, fresh meats are always the safest option. Here are a few meat products that you should never feed to your cat:
Sadly, no. Bacon is high in sodium which can lead to hypernatremia in some cats. Avoid feeding bacon or other cured meats to your cat. The high-fat content of bacon is also a concern. It could lead to digestive issues or even pancreatitis if your cat consumes enough bacon or consumes it regularly.
Probably not. Ham is also remarkably high in sodium and should be avoided. While it's not quite as risky as most cured meats, ham is still not a good treat for cats. As a very occasional treat, it is probably fine, but there are much better options for treating your cat.
No. Salami is filled with additives like salt, flavour enhancers, and artificial colourants. It contains seasonings like garlic and paprika which are toxic to cats. Salami is high in saturated fats which causes rapid weight gain in felines. Ideally, you should avoid giving your cat salami.
Can cats eat pepperoni? Double no. Pepperoni is also not good for cats because a single slice often has over 35 mg of sodium which is much too high for your cat. No matter how much your cat begs for a bite of your pizza, this is not a snack you can share.
Definitely not. Commercial jerky contains spices and prominent levels of salt. Jerky can contain garlic and onion which are both toxic to cats. Even if you make your own jerky at home and skip the spices, jerky is tough to chew and is likely a strong choking hazard for cats because of how they chew (or in this case, don't chew).
It's not recommended. Avoid feeding hot dogs due to the additives and salt. Plus the contents of a hot dog are likely to contain meat sources of unknown and questionable quality. Though hot dogs are less dangerous than cured meats, they should not be regarded as a healthy snack for cats.
Don't. Sausage contains nitrites, sodium, and excessive fat which make them a no-no for cats. Sausage may also contain garlic or onion which is toxic to cats. Even the most natural of store-bought sausages are likely to contain something that is not good for your cat.
Eggs are often referred to as a superfood because they contain iron, protein, and vital minerals. Many commercial cat foods actually add eggs as a primary ingredient. Cats typically love eggs. In the wild, many cats will raid birds' nests to steal the eggs which they eat whole.
Eggs can be a great meal topper to boost protein and other nutrients in your cat's diet, or they can be a great treat if you love to offer some table scraps to your begging kitten. Just keep in mind, the eggs should be unseasoned to make sure they are safe to offer.
Eggs are packed with the following nutrients:
Eggs can be included in your pet's meals 2-4 times per week but in small portions (1 tbsp). Cooking the eggs is the safest way to feed them. Scramble the eggs without seasoning and let them cool completely before offering any to your cat.
Can cats eat raw eggs? Maybe. This is a hotly debated topic for a few reasons. The more well-known argument for avoiding raw eggs is the bacteria risk. Just like raw eggs for us, bacteria, like salmonella, can be present in raw eggs.
The thing to keep in mind is that eggs sold for human consumption are pasteurized, which means that are heat-treated to kill bacteria like salmonella. This isn't a guarantee though. Just like when we eat raw cookie dough, drink eggnog, or eat hollandaise sauce, the risk of consuming a raw egg product is still real.
The other argument for avoiding raw eggs is egg whites. Egg whites are high in avidin, which is a biotin inhibitor. This means that large amounts of avidin can stop your cat from digesting biotin in their food. Fortunately, egg yolks are very high in biotin, and some research suggests that this is enough to counterbalance the effects of avidin.
The nutritional difference between cooked and raw eggs for cats is minor, so if you'd prefer to play it safe, especially if you have an immune-compromised pet, then go ahead scramble and cook those eggs before serving.
Media often portray cats as fish obsessed, and most felines do enjoy a smelly, fishy snack. Fish is an ideal food for your cat, but it should not be the pet’s sole source of protein or vitamins. Fish often lacks sufficient protein to meet a cat’s needs, plus it is deficient in key minerals and vitamins.
The omega fatty acids in fish oil offer numerous benefits for cats, like improved skin and coat, anti-inflammatory properties, better immune function. Fish are also highly palatable and can help to improve eating habits in picky cats.
Fish can be fed either cooked or raw, but be cautious of bones that could be a choking hazard. Small fish, like sardines, are fine to feed bone-in, but larger fish like salmon need to be scaled and deboned before feeding.
Many people are concerned about heavy metals in fish, like mercury. While this can be a problem, choosing the right kind of fish can make it safer to feed fish on a regular basis. The smaller the fish, the lower the mercury content. Sardines, herring, and anchovies are ideal.
Bigger fish, like salmon and tuna, can still be fed but should be less frequent and in smaller quantities to prevent mercury build-up.
Small and wild-caught fish are generally going to be the best option for treating your cat. They have a better omega 6 to 3 ratio than farmed fish because of their more natural diet. Offering your cat a small piece of your fishy dinner is probably fine, but be cautious of the extras, like oil, butter, and spices that are harmful to your cat.
Here are a few of the most common cat-safe fish, and a few less common ones:
Of Course! Cats love tuna but they can contain heavy metals so should not be consumed more than a few times per week. Some cat diets, especially canned cat foods, use tuna as a base protein. Tuna can also be a great treat if your cat is not already eating a fish-based diet, and can be fed either cooked or raw.
Don’t spoil your cat too much with tuna, though, because some cats will become obsessed with tuna and refuse other food types by going on a hunger strike. This is very common in cats that are fed canned tuna for humans. Canned tuna often contains other ingredients like salt, oil, and spices, so check the ingredient panel before you share your tuna.
Oh ya! Similar to tuna, salmon can also be a great snack for kitties. Canned salmon is likely to contain salt, spices, or preservatives, so fresh-cooked salmon is ideal, just make sure to skip the seasonings.
Raw salmon can also be fed as a treat, but less frequently. Raw salmon, like all fish, contain an enzyme called thiaminase, that breaks down thiamine, an essential B vitamin. When fed regularly and in large quantities, can lead to thiamine deficiency in your cat. Cooking the fish destroys the enzyme, making it safer to feed fish more regularly.
If your cat is not a huge fan of fish, which may seem odd, but isn't that uncommon, you can still offer her valuable nutrients from salmon oil, or other fish oils. They have a milder flavour and are easy to add to your cat's dinner unnoticed.
Definitely! Sardines are one of the best fishy treats for cats because they are high in EPA and DHA, two omega 3 fatty acids that are beneficial for growth and cognitive function. Additionally, sardines are a more sustainable fish, meaning they are not overfished, like larger fish that are popular in human cuisine.
Canned sardines are one option for treating your cat, but be cautious of what else is in the can. Oils, salt, and other seasonings are not good for cats. 1-2 fresh sardines per week is safe, and they can even be fed raw. Whole small sardines make a great treat for cats that love to chew, but freeze-dried sardines are a less messy choice to protect your furniture and carpets from raw fish juices.
Yes, but fresh only. Anchovies for people often come canned and heavily salted or in brine. These are a definite no-go for cats. Fresh anchovies are the only safe option for cats.
As a smaller fish, anchovies are much more sustainably sourced and have lower mercury and heavy metal content than larger fish, so they can be fed more frequently as a treat or as a meal topper to boost your cat's nutrition. 1-2 small anchovies per day if fine as a treat, so long as your cat isn't already eating a fish-heavy diet.
Cats love fish for the taste, and we love fish for the health benefits, but what about the other creatures of the sea. Are the rest of our favourite ocean delicacies safe for cats too?
The good news is that lots of them are. Though you may not be eating many of these fancy dishes every week, it's good to know which ones you can offer your cat a taste of whenever you do splurge on a seafood dinner. Like with fish, seafood is safest when cooked without spices or oils. Boiling the seafood in plain water is the best way to prepare seafood for your cat.
Here are some of our favourite cat-safe sea creatures:
They can, though they may not like the texture. Squid isn't for everyone, especially without the breading and dipping sauce that your cat can't have. The chewy texture might be off-putting for some cats.
Shrimp and prawns are one of the more affordable seafood options for humans, but they can be a tasty snack for cats too. Boiling the shrimp is the safest way to cook them for cats because you can easily skip any oils or butter that are often used in frying. Absolutely no tempura or other deep-fried shrimp.
Lots of shellfish are cat-safe and nutrient-dense. Make sure that shells should always be removed and the shellfish should be boiled for safety. Popular cat-safe shellfish include crab, lobster, clams, scallops, and mussels. Skip the typical toppings and dips though. No butter, seafood sauce, garlic, or hot sauce for cats.
Fish can be part of your cat's regular diet, but most are best fed as an occasional treat. 2-3 times per week is safe for most fish and other seafood so long as the portion you feed isn't more than 10% of your pet's total food for the day.
Feeding fish as a treat is best if your cat is not already eating a diet that is rich in fish. Some fish, like anchovies, can be fed more frequently, but don't let your cat's fishy treat unbalance their regular diet. Remember that you are just supplementing, so small portions.
Feeding fish oils daily is a good option for cats who don't need the extra calories of eating fish as treats. Fish oils can be helpful in reducing inflammation, conditioning skin and coat, improving digestion, and supporting your cat's development as they age.
They can! This one might seem odd because you wouldn't think of nuts as a common ingredient in your cat's diet, but nuts can offer beneficial nutrients and in certain raw diets, help to properly round out the nutrition of the diet. Nuts might just be a tasty snack for you, but they are loaded with healthy fatty acids, fibre, and fats that your cat's body can use as energy.
That being said, too much fat can be an issue for cats, so nuts should be an occasional snack that is fed in small portions. Avoid salted and seasoned nuts, and always remove the shells.
The best way to feed nuts, much like seeds, is to soak them overnight to remove anti-nutrients like phytic acid and grind them to make them easy to digest. Whole nuts can easily be a choking hazard for a cat and will be harder to digest if they are not chewed.
Many of the most common nuts are safe for cats, but there are a few that are toxic. Make sure you know which nuts to avoid feeding your cat. Nuts are high in fat, so even those that are non-toxic and nutritionally beneficial need to be fed in small amounts to prevent digestive issues or more severe problems.
Yep! Peanuts are high in protein, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium help to support your cat's bone health, and the high, but healthy, fats can provide an energy boost for active cats.
Can cats eat peanut butter? They can, but natural is always best. Peanut butter can have lots of extra ingredients like sugars, or worse, toxic artificial sweeteners like xylitol. Stick to plain, natural, single-ingredient peanut butter.
Absolutely! Almonds are a great source of protein, magnesium, and copper. Adding nuts to your cat's meals can boost fibre too, which can help your cat feel fuller for longer, which is great for cats that need to lose some weight.
They can! Cashews offer similar vitamins and minerals to almonds, but also contain types of antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation. The fat in cashews helps provide energy for the brain and body.
Yup. Pecans are the dessert nut, so when you want to give your cat a "sweet" treat, pecans are a great way to do so. Pecans are very high in fat, even compared to other nuts on our list, so you need to stick to small portions and only as an occasional treat. The high fibre content of pecans can help with digestion and weight loss too.
Nuts are high in fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals that are all beneficial for your cat, and even though several nuts are safe for cats to eat, you need to be very careful about how they are prepared.
Nuts need to be shelled and unsalted or unseasoned, but feeding whole shelled nuts can still pose a choking risk. It's best to grind or chop them finely and use them to sprinkle over their meals.
Additionally, nuts contain phytic acid which is an antinutrient, meaning it prevents other nutrients from being digested. To remove the phytic acid, the nuts should be soaked overnight and drained and dried before being ground.
Some nuts are toxic for cats, like walnuts, so stick to only cat-safe nuts, and feed in small portions. Nuts can be fed as a treat or make a great dietary booster. 1/4-1/2 tsp per day, a few times per week can add flavour and nutrients to your cat's diet. Other cat-safe nuts include brazil nuts, pine nuts, and pistachios.
We like to use spices, herbs, and sweeteners to make our food more palatable, but you may not know that many of these aromatic and flavourful food additives actually offer some health benefits as well.
Of course, your cat doesn't need the flavour additives when they are eating a high-quality, meat-rich diet, but you may find that some of these cat-safe spices and condiments are actually quite good for them.
Not many spices are cat-friendly. Some are toxic, while others are an unpleasant smell or taste for cats and might make your cat turn her nose up at her spiced-up dinner. check out two spices that can be used to boost your cat's health.
Yes. This one is technically a vegetable, but you most likely use it as a spice in your cooking. Ginger has many health benefits, and because it's non-toxic, you can use ginger as a meal additive to help support your cat's health. The most well-known benefit of ginger is its anti-nauseant properties. It can be used in combination with digestive aids to help soothe your cat's tummy, like Fruitables SuperBlend Supplement.
Additionally, it contains anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to support digestive issues, skin and coat issues, and even joint and mobility problems. Ginger is potent, so your cat won't need much. A little goes a long way, and this "spice" has a potent flavour and aroma, so 1/8 tsp is plenty to add to your cat's meal.
In small doses. Cinnamon isn't considered toxic for cats but can be an irritant when your cat is exposed to large quantities. Consuming very small amounts of cinnamon is unlikely to be an issue, but large doses, inhalation, and even skin contact can be irritating for cats.
Cinnamon does have some benefits though, most popular is its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to soothe digestive issues and improve nutrient digestions.
All in all, keep cinnamon, including cinnamon sticks and cinnamon essential oils, out of reach from your cat. If you choose to feed cinnamon for its digestive benefits, then add just a sprinkle (1/16 to 1/8 tsp).
When you think of snacks for yourself, you might crave something sweet. A few drops of honey in your tea or a drizzle of maple syrup in your oatmeal are a great way to take a boring treat and make it special, but can you use sweeteners to spruce up your cat's meals too?
In general, we don't recommend sweetening your cat's food or treats. Partially because cats don't have a preference for sugar or sweet tastes, so what's the point, but mostly because sugary ingredients will cause digestive issues. Sugars feed gut bacteria and can quickly lead to some uncomfortable digestive reactions.
That being said, some naturally sweet ingredients can have some beneficial properties for your cat.
Yes, but they shouldn't. Sugar is a quick source of energy, but it's often more than your cat will use. This can lead to weight gain. Even more, excess sugar feeds bacteria in your cat's gut which can cause digestive issues. All in all, sugary foods should be avoided for cats.
Other very sugary foods, like maple syrup and molasses, are not toxic either, but they still offer way more sugar than your cat is built to handle. You may see them as an ingredient in some cat treats (more often in dog treats), but they will be extremely small quantities. It's best to avoid these sweeteners for cats.
Yes, but sparingly. Honey is sometimes used in specialty cat treats, and in small doses it's safe. Raw honey has many helpful properties, like as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal remedy, and is a good source of antioxidants, but the typical honey we use to sweeten our tea is pasteurized and doesn't offer the same benefits.
If you do feed honey to your cat for its healing or immune-boosting properties, stick to raw Manuka honey and only feed in very small quantities - 1/4 - 1/2 tsp per 10lbs of body weight mixed with their food.
We use many herbs to flavour our food, and while they do contain essential oils that can have health benefits, cats don't benefit the same way because they are difficult to digest due to their carnivorous digestive system. Lots of herbs are non-toxic for cats, so if you grow your own herbs, your cat may be curious enough to give them a try, so it's important to know which ones are safe to leave out for your cat to nibble.
Find out which herbs are safe for cats to eat, and if there is any nutritional benefits to feeding them.
Yep! Basil is totally non-toxic for cats, so if your cat likes to sample your indoor herb garden, then don't fret. Basil contains a very aromatic essential oil, and it can act as a repellant for cats, but some cats are just too curious to care about the smell.
They can! Another potent smelling herb, cilantro is not likely to be your cat's favourite snack, but if she is willing to give it a nibble, then don't fret. Cilantro does offer small amounts of vitamins and minerals, but not enough to be used as an effective nutritional aid.
It's not recommended. Cats are often attracted to the scent of mint because of its similarity to catnip, a member of the mint family. Garden mint contains peppermint oil which can be toxic in large quantities. A small amount of mint may only cause minor irritation, but if your cat is chowing down on fresh mint, or concentrated essential oils, you will have big digestive problems.
If you grow your own mint, make sure you keep it out of reach of your kitty. Instead, make sure you have some catnip on hand to give your cat a much safer, and funner alternative. To find out more, check out our Ultimate Catnip Guide.
Oh ya! This is one of the rare herbs that can actually be beneficial for cats, but not in the way that you'd think. Parsley has natural antibacterial properties that can be an effective breath freshener for cats. Adding a small chopped-up sprig to your cat's food can help ditch that kitty breath and improve dental health.
This dental trick will not replace regular dental care habits, like brushing your cat's teeth, but can still be helpful. It is also a natural diuretic, which can help support urinary care health by increasing urination and flushing out unwanted bacteria from the urinary tract.
Cats are typically drawn towards green leafy herbs, and while there are some cat-safe herbs, like the ones above, but most don't fill any nutritional need for cats, so feeding them as treats or meal toppers isn't necessary or an effective way to boost your cat's health.
Fresh ingredients are a great way to help boost your cat's overall nutrition, and while there are many human foods that are safe and nutritious for cats, but there are many that are highly toxic and should never be fed to your kitty. Take a look at some of our favourite foods that are toxic for your kitty.
Definitely not! While chocolate is one of the ultimate human treats, it's not safe for your cat. Chocolate of all kinds contains theobromine. Cats (and dogs) are very sensitive to the effects of theobromine. In humans, it acts as a mild stimulant, but for your cat is can lead to intense digestive issues, seizures and even death if your cat eats enough of it.
The darker and purer the chocolate, the more theobromine is present. Dark chocolate could have 3-4 times the levels of bromine than milk chocolate, but no matter how potent, all chocolate should be avoided for cats. If you really want to give your cat a sweet treat for a special holiday, then stick to small amounts of carob instead.
Obviously not! Alcohol, in any form, is very dangerous for cats (and dogs!). Ethyl alcohol can cause your cat's central nervous system to slow down and could cause respiratory distress. Never, ever, ever offer your cat any booze, beer, or spirits of any kind.
Rubbing alcohol and other products, like cleaners and hand sanitizers, contain a different kind of alcohol, called isopropyl alcohol. These are even more dangerous for cats, so make sure you keep your cleaning agents out of reach of your kitty.
Absolutely not! This is one of the more well-known toxic foods for cats. The strange thing is that we don't totally know why grapes, raisins, and currants are toxic for cats (and dogs). All we know is that damage is done to the kidneys.
There is speculation that it could be mycotoxins or naturally found compounds that could decrease blood flow to the kidneys, but to date, we just don't know. What we do know is that grapes should never be fed to dogs and cats.
So no grapes, but can cats eat raisins? Still nope. Though dried and shrivelled, raisins are still just as toxic as grapes, so keep them out of reach. This also goes for sultanas and currants, too.
Reactions to grape poisoning vary on an individual basis, so even though some pets can sneak a grape or two without consequence, others may suffer reactions from even a small amount of this toxic fruit and its cousins.
No. No matter how many vitamins citrus fruits may have, you should not offer your cat a taste of these sour and acidic fruits. The natural essential oils in many citrus fruits, like lemon, are toxic to cats. Symptoms of citrus poisoning include vomiting, digestive distress, weakness, and even skin reactions.
Citrus fruits that you should steer clear of offering your cat include lemon, lime, grapefruit, and oranges. If your cat accidentally sneaks a taste of some citrus fruit or juice, the chances are the reaction will be mild, but you should monitor them for worsening symptoms. Never give your cat citrus fruits.
It's not recommended. There is a lot of questions about whether or not garlic, in small doses, is harmful to cats. While we know that dogs can benefit from small doses of garlic, but what about cats? The truth is garlic may be beneficial to cats, but can still be dangerous if you feed too much.
In general, feeding garlic to your cat is not recommended, but it won't do your cat immediate harm if she steals a small nibble of food that contains garlic. Even if your cat can tolerate small amounts of garlic, chances are the small dose would provide fewer health benefits than using other cat-safe supplements.
Newp! In the same allium plant family as garlic, onions are toxic to cats. This also includes shallots and leeks. Though tiny amounts of onion are likely not going to be harmful to your cat if she happens to sneak a taste, there is no nutritional benefit from onion, so why take the risk.
Onions are a common ingredient in many sauces and premade foods that you may eat, so be mindful of any foods you share with your cat.
Never. Some of our favourite unhealthy snacks, like chips, candy, ice cream, and soda are especially bad for your cat. There are a number of dangerous ingredients that are used in these packaged goods, like sugar, salt, garlic, and artificial ingredients.
Any human foods you feed your cat should be healthy and natural. Anything heavily processed is guaranteed to have something bad for your cat, so absolutely no sharing.
While toxicity and digestive reactions may vary depending on the potency of the ingredient and your unique pet, you should never, ever, intentionally feed your cat foods that are known toxins. If your cat ever accidentally ingests (or steals) a bite of one of these toxic foods, you should monitor their behaviour and digestion for the next 24 hours for any issues, and call your vet immediately if your cat has ingested large quantities of them.
Now that you know which of your snacks and favourite foods are safe to share with your feline friend and which ones should be avoided, you can start to boost your cat's nutrition with some fresh ingredients, or just spruce up her treat routine.
Fresh ingredients are a great way to boost your cat's nutrition, but everything in moderation. If you are feeding a high-quality cat diet already, then adding additional fresh ingredients isn't required, but can still be beneficial.
Cats enjoy a varied diet so adding cat-safe human foods not only offers nutritional benefits but also gives the kitty something to look forward to each meal. You can add a little human food mixed with quality commercial cat foods to ensure you are meeting all of your cat’s dietary needs.
If you only offer table scraps and human foods for flavour, be cautious of how dependant your cat may become on those flavourful additions. You may find that your cat starts to develop some picky eating habits if she's been too spoiled with yummy extras.
If you find your cat is getting addicted, then stop giving human foods as meal toppers entirely, and limit treats to specific reasons, like rewards for training or chewing and dental health.
What is your cat's favourite human food? Let us know in the comments below!