L'adozione di un cane da salvataggio è piena di momenti gratificanti. Quando vi siete incontrati, sognavi di vivere una vita fatta di momenti di gioco divertenti, baci alla pecorina e coccole sul divano.
Fino a quando non ti sei reso conto che il cane dei tuoi sogni non è addestrato al vasino. Hai adottato un cane adulto sperando di poter saltare gli incidenti con il vasino del cucciolo.
Ho ragione?
Non temere, questa fase in cui il tuo cane da soccorso fa pipì o fa la cacca in casa è di breve durata se segui i passaggi corretti di seguito.
È molto normale che un cane appena adottato abbia incidenti con il vasino all'interno della casa. Il tuo cane sta attraversando un evento estremo che cambia la vita. Sono stressati, insicuri e confusi.
Come la regola 3-3-3 dei cani da salvataggio spiega, possono volerci 3 mesi o più prima che un nuovo cane si senta completamente a suo agio nella sua nuova casa.
Alcuni cani da salvataggio non hanno mai vissuto in una casa prima, quindi il concetto di vasino è nuovo per loro. Sta a te addestrare il tuo nuovo soccorso, anche se ha 1, 3 o 10 anni.
Un cane non è mai troppo vecchio per addestrare il vasino, anche se ti avverto, più il cane è vecchio, più tempo e pazienti avrai bisogno.
I problemi con il vasino possono essere causati da stress, ansia da separazione , un nuovo ambiente e persino un nuovo cane o persone in casa.
Valuta l'intera situazione prima di presumere che il tuo cane stia facendo pipì in casa per dispetto . Non credo che i cani facciano le cose per dispetto. C'è quasi sempre un problema di fondo. L'ambiente del tuo cane è cambiato ultimamente, c'è qualcosa per cui può essere stressato?
È importante escludere eventuali problemi medici che potrebbero causare incidenti con il vasino del tuo cane da salvataggio all'interno della casa.
Alcune cause mediche comuni sono:
Se sospetti problemi di salute, contatta immediatamente il veterinario.
Addestrare al vasino un cane da salvataggio adulto è molto simile a addestrare un cucciolo al vasino . Ricomincia dall'inizio come se fosse un cucciolo.
Every single one of my dogs has had their own signal of when they have to go potty. Our youngest pup, Thunder will circle the front door and hit the bell with his nose. Bear will pace around me and stare at me. And Ginger will sit at the front door.
Watch your dog’s body language and pick up on their subtle cues. It may take some time to learn, but when you notice it, you’ll have an aha moment .
Some people like to train their dogs to ring a bell at the door to alert them. This is easy to train by hanging the bell on the door and each time you take the dog outside to potty you ring the bell for them. Eventually, they pick up on the connection, bell equals outside potty time.
If you need more help, SpiritDog Training has a great course on Mastering Potty Training along with many other training programs you may be interested in.
You are here because your rescue dog is peeing in the house, which means you have pee stains on your floors. Dogs can smell dog urine even when we can’t.
It’s important to thoroughly clean any accidents with an enzyme cleaner specifically made for potty accidents.
The product I use and recommend is Nature’s Miracle. They have an entire line of carpet cleaner, hardwood floor cleaner, no more marking, and more. I also use Odoban for sanitizing and deodorizing the entire house.
Consider getting a black light urine detector to help you find old stains you can’t smell yourself, but I assure you your dog can.
After fostering many dogs and raising a puppy, there is a reason why we have all wood floors in our new house, LOL.
Read How can I remove dog urine odor from carpet?
Training a new rescue dog can take a few days or a month. It will depend on how old the dog is , if the dog was in a hoarding or puppy mill situation, and how consistent you are with the steps above.
Feed your dog on a schedule. Make sure they eat several hours before going to sleep and then take them outside 30-60 minutes after eating.
If your dog has trouble with bowel movements, consider adding a probiotic to his food . Exercise also helps, so take a long walk with your dog after he eats and has time for his food to settle.
If your rescue dog has lived outside for its entire life before coming to you, doesn’t mean he isn’t potty trained. Dogs do not like to eat, sleep or play in the same area as they potty.
So living outside your dog has most likely already established an area to potty and an area to live. By limiting access to the inside house and staying consistent with the steps above your new dog will be house training quickly.
If you live in an apartment or a home where it’s not easy to quickly take your dog outside, then you may want to try Doggy Lawn.
As mentioned above, I don’t believe dogs pee in the house out of spite. Look at other environmental, medical or behavioral issues before jumping to the conclusion your dog is out to get you.
Is your male dog peeing or marking inside the house ? You’ll notice the difference between a puddle of urine vs. a small amount of sprayed urine on the wall, furniture, etc.
We struggled with marking for a long time with our male puppy. By limiting his freedom and being vigilant I think we have it under control, but I don’t want to jink it.
There could be medical reasons your male dog is suddenly peeing inside, review Why does my rescue dog pee in the house above.
If your rescue dog was previously potty training and now having accidents, it could be a medical or behavior issue. Review Why does my rescue dog pee in the house above.
Your adopted dog peeing in house is not the end of the world. With a little time and a lot of patience your rescue dog will stop peeing in the house and you will have a potty trained dog.
First step is to check for any medical or environmental issues that could be causing the potty accidents. Then follow the 5 key steps above. Make sure to reward the good behavior and your dog will start asking to go outside to potty before you know it.
Trust me, I get how frustrating it is to have to clean urine or poop up after an adult dog. When fostering a dog we keep our mini carpet cleaner and Nature’s Miracle in arms reach at all times. Even with the best intentions, there will be accidents. But there is hope. Keep consistent and your dog will be potty trained soon.
If you have any tips or tricks to pottying training a rescue dog, please share below in the comments.
How can I remove dog urine odor from carpet?
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