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Il mio cane odiava i rumori finché non ha provato una maglietta di tuono

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Per gentile concessione di Amy Shojai

La ThunderShirt per cani calma l'ansia degli animali domestici causata da tempeste rumorose e fuochi d'artificio. Dì addio allo stress degli animali domestici!

I cani non amano il rumore

Sono un proprietario di cani nel nord del Texas, nel mezzo del vicolo del tornado. Primavera significa temporali, completi di vento, grandine, secchiate di pioggia e tuoni rumorosi. Vivendo in una zona rurale, sentiamo anche spari di tanto in tanto, durante la stagione di caccia o per scacciare la fauna selvatica come i coyote che minacciano i nostri animali domestici. E più volte all'anno, sopportiamo i festeggiamenti dei fuochi d'artificio per il nuovo anno, il 4 luglio e le lauree.

Ognuna di queste occasioni rumorose trasforma gli animali domestici sensibili al rumore in fasci di nervi tremanti. E l'attacco di panico di un animale domestico può significare cambiamenti comportamentali che danneggiano la tua casa e talvolta feriscono il tuo amato animale domestico.

In qualità di consulente certificato per il comportamento degli animali, consiglio regolarmente ai miei clienti come alleviare la paura, l'ansia e lo stress dei loro animali domestici. Esistono diversi prodotti per l'ansia per i cani, compresi i trattamenti con CBD per cani. Uno dei miei consigli preferiti è ThunderShirt per cani. Ho suggerito per anni questa giacca anti-ansia per i miei clienti canini, sia nei consulti comportamentali che in molti dei miei libri di saggistica per animali domestici. Puoi ottenere la ThunderShirt anche per i gatti spaventosi.

Cos'è la ThunderShirt per cani?

Per gentile concessione di Amy Shojai

Quando i cani provano paura, cercano istintivamente di calmarsi. Dogs might squeeze between the wall and the sofa or snuggle their head into your armpit. This provides a gentle pressure across their body. The ThunderShirt for dogs provides a similar gentle pressure that pets instinctively seek. Think of it like the swaddling effect that calms fussy human babies.

For years, experts observed that animals calm themselves by squeezing into tight places. Veterinarians use a similar technique to de-stress animals for medical treatments—like squeeze shoots for vaccinating cattle. This type of pressure prompts an animal’s body to release chemicals like the oxytocin (the love hormone) or endorphins that make you feel good.

Several studies have examined the effect of wearing similar jackets or anxiety wraps, as well as the ThunderShirt specifically. Not all dogs get the same benefits. However, surveys of pet owners using the ThunderShirt for dogs say it helped to calm distress in more than 80 percent of cases.

How we tested the ThunderShirt for dogs

For pets who aren’t used to wearing clothes like dog coats, gradually introduce the concept under non-stressful circumstances. Don’t wait for a storm to roll in before presenting the ThunderShirt.

I opened the package and laid the jacket out flat on the floor. My dog, Shadow-Pup, immediately wanted to roll on it—his way of sharing his scent and also a favorite game. Shadow also enjoys wearing his cold-weather jackets, and he loves his harness, so I knew he’d readily accept wearing the new dog apparel.

Another introduction tip is to leave the ThunderShirt in the dirty laundry basket. That helps the fabric absorb your familiar, comforting scent, so it smells safe. You could also spread the jacket on top of your pet’s bed, or leave it inside his crate. That helps him recognize this new item as something familiar. If you only bring it out during storms, your fearful pet may instead associate the ThunderShirt with noise, making his anxiety worse.

Since Shadow’s an old pro at wearing clothes, I skipped those tips. After he rubbed all over the jacket, I draped the fabric across his back, wrapped the side straps down around his tummy and the front straps around his chest. I secured each with the Velcro. He acted puzzled and tried to grab the remaining back strap. I had treats handy to persuade him otherwise. While he munched, I adjusted the final strap on his back to make the fabric snug. I also adjusted the chest and tummy straps (tightened some places, loosened others) so the ThunderShirt fit smoothly and didn’t encroach on his ability to relieve himself.

Next, we played with one of his favorite dog toys to help associate wearing the shirt with fun. This first time, Shadow wore his jacket for about an hour and settled down for a nap shortly after our play session ended. It didn’t appear to bother him. For the next several days, Shadow wore his ThunderShirt for 30 to 90 minutes. After the second day, he didn’t fuss with the straps as I fit it on him.

We’re fortunate that Shadow doesn’t suffer severe anxiety. From puppyhood on, I’ve thrown a “thunder party” for loud noises—praised him, showered him with treats, and taught him “booms” mean fun and games. So I didn’t expect significant changes when we finally had a loud storm this week and tried out the jacket.

Courtesy Amy Shojai

It took only a minute to wrap him in his ThunderShirt. Usually, he watches heavy rain through the windows—we call it dog TV—and now and then he flinches with thunder, loud wind, or hail and then waits for his thunder party treat. But this time, while wearing the jacket, he settled down on the sofa and slept through the storm. He wore the shirt for the rest of the evening, about five hours.

When first introducing your pet to the jacket, remove it after one to two hours. That ensures a comfortable fit. Many pets like wearing the ThunderShirt for longer periods. The company recommends you remove at least twice a day, if using for extended periods for long car trips or storms.

ThunderShirt product features

Made from a soft stretchy fabric, the ThunderShirt for dogs acts like a gentle, huggable vest. It comes in seven sizes, from XXS for pets under seven pounds to XXL, fitting dogs over 110 pounds. The gray fabric and lightweight T-shirt material mean it won’t overheat pets even in warm weather.

Many pets object to having clothing pulled on over their heads, and neck openings don’t always fit correctly. Often, pet clothing fasteners prove hard to click securely or buckle closed, and require adjustments to strap lengths.

But the ThunderShirt doesn’t have a neck opening. That eliminates over-the-head struggles with your dog or cat. Instead, the ThunderShirt unfolds in a flat sheet of fabric. You place the fabric across your pet’s back like a saddle, and then wrap the flaps around the body for a custom fit. It doesn’t require buckles or strap adjustments, either. The Velcro secures everything with a smooth, no-rubbing style. The stretchy material allows a snug but comfortable fit for a range of pet shapes and sizes.

The company also promotes using other calming products with the ThunderShirt. The jacket has a patch on the front of the chest strap for you to spray essential oil products for an additional calming effect.


What we liked about the ThunderShirt:

  • Reduces pet stress and anxiety in most cases
  • Soft stretchy fabric is comfortable to wear
  • No buckles to clip
  • Smooth fit is easy to adjust with Velcro fasteners
  • Available in seven sizes and several colors
  • Pheromone patch to augment the calming effect
  • Training and fitting tips video available
  • Machine washable:fasten Velcro first, wash regular cycle, hang to dry
  • 39,000 reviews and Amazon top seller


What to consider about the ThunderShirt:

  • Learning curve to fit on the pet the first time
  • Velcro makes a loud noise that disturbs some dogs when removed
  • Sizing can be tricky
  • Not guaranteed to work for every single dog’s temperament (but returns accepted)

What other reviewers had to say

Verified Amazon purchaser Tracie Garcia was initially skeptical. “A ThunderShirt? Give me a break. This is not going to help me. I was so wrong! Both Ronan and myself are getting a full night’s sleep now during rain, wind, thunder, and lightening storms. This is the best product ever!”

Amazon purchaser Commander Cool says it helped their dog with anxiety. “Our dog is scared of everything, so getting this on her for the first time took a lot of patience, a curse word or 12, and a few beers. Once on her she mellowed right out. She did not mind it at all. Never once tried to get it off.”

Final verdict

The ThunderShirt for dogs offers a significant benefit to a large percentage of pets who suffer from anxiety. It won’t work for all pets, since every companion has a unique personality and challenges. You won’t find a magic wand to cure your pet’s fear and anxiety. But using the training tips increases the likelihood your dog will benefit from the shirt.

When it’s used in combination with other calming aids, and given the money-back guarantee, pet lovers have nothing to lose and much to gain by giving the ThunderShirt a try.

Where to buy the ThunderShirt for dogs

via merchant

You can find the ThunderShirt for $39 to $74, depending on the size and colors, from Amazon, Chewy, and Walmart. Your pets will thank you for it. Mine did.

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  4. Adozione
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  6. In-Fur-Mation
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  8. Adorabile
  9. cani