L'obesità del cane è un problema di salute in rapida crescita. I cani obesi soffriranno di problemi respiratori, diabete, artrite e dolori articolari (1). Questo articolo discute l'importanza della perdita di peso e diversi modi per dimagrire un cane in sovrappeso.
La buona notizia è che la gestione del peso di un cane è sotto il tuo controllo (2). Se al momento hai un cane in sovrappeso, dovrai attraversare due fasi:perdita di peso e gestione del peso . Potrebbe essere necessario passare a una marca di cibo per cani diversa, preferibilmente dimagrante, per ridurre l'assunzione di energia. In casi estremi possono essere utilizzati due diversi tipi di farmaci:dirlotapide e mitratapide (3, 4).
Oltre alla restrizione calorica, negli studi è stato dimostrato che una certa composizione degli alimenti migliora la perdita di peso nei cani (5). Ad esempio, alimenti per animali domestici ad alto contenuto proteico fornito i migliori risultati (6). Tali diete, abbinate a un minore apporto calorico e all'aggiunta di esercizio fisico erano estremamente efficaci (7, 8). Sulla base di questi e altri studi, la mia guida di seguito su come perdere peso per i cani obesi ti illustrerà un piano passo dopo passo.
Il corpo di un cane è costruito per sopportare solo una certa quantità di peso e qualsiasi extra richiede maggiori sollecitazioni sia agli organi che al sistema scheletrico (9). Uno dei problemi è che i proprietari di animali domestici valutano erroneamente peso e condizioni fisiche dei loro animali domestici. Studi più recenti mostrano che una corretta valutazione può aumentare la durata della vita nei cani e portare a una migliore salute generale.
Come veterinari, abbiamo assistito a un aumento del numero di animali obesi (10, 11). Nella mia pratica ho spesso a che fare con proprietari di animali domestici che cercano consigli su come dimagrire un cane in sovrappeso. I problemi di salute più comuni causati dall'eccesso di peso includono quelli menzionati di seguito (12, 13, 14, 15).
Un cane in sovrappeso avrà anche una durata della vita ridotta e sono a maggior rischio di morte improvvisa (16).
In breve, i cani obesi richiederanno cure veterinarie più costose, non condurranno una vita attiva e divertente e non ci si può aspettare che vivano tanto quanto i cani con un peso ottimale.
È meglio chiedere al tuo veterinario un consiglio esperto sul peso ideale per il tuo cane; tuttavia, come punto di partenza, non è difficile avere un'idea ragionevole del peso del tuo animale domestico utilizzando una tabella BCS (Punteggio delle condizioni fisiche, vedi a destra ) e fare tu stesso un semplice esame fisico.
Un cane in buone condizioni dovrebbe avere una figura leggermente a "clessidra" sotto le costole. Senti lungo il petto:se riesci a sentire facilmente le costole lungo il lato del torace, allora non c'è ovviamente grasso extra su di esse. Dovresti essere in grado di distinguere tra la gabbia toracica dell'animale e il suo addome, e quest'ultimo dovrebbe assottigliarsi leggermente.
Se non riesci a sentire le costole, la vita è piatta o sembra gonfia o lo stomaco si trascina quando cammina, allora è il momento di cambiare un po' lo stile di vita e le abitudini alimentari del tuo cane.
Gli studi dimostrano che ci sono alcuni fattori di rischio che possono far sì che il tuo cane sia a maggior rischio di obesità. Questi possono includere la sua razza, la sua dieta, la sua età e se è castrato o meno. Se il tuo cane rientra in una categoria di rischio più elevato, è molto importante che tu mantenga il controllo delle sue condizioni fisiche.
Hai determinato che il tuo cane è in sovrappeso, quindi adesso? Prima di intraprendere qualsiasi tipo di dieta, consulta il tuo veterinario e discuti le opzioni di trattamento per la perdita di peso.
Assicurati che il tuo animale domestico non soffra di alcun tipo di disturbo medico che causa l'aumento di peso. Troppi cani vengono messi a dieta e lungo la strada i loro proprietari scoprono che la malattia, non una dieta sbagliata, è stata la causa del loro aumento di peso.
Il fabbisogno calorico giornaliero del tuo animale domestico varierà in base alla sua età, fase della vita e attività quotidiane. Fattori come la gravidanza aumenteranno anche le esigenze quotidiane. Il tuo veterinario sarà anche in grado di consigliarti il corretto apporto calorico giornaliero per la tua cagna in gravidanza.
Armati della conoscenza di quante calorie il tuo cane ha bisogno in un giorno, e alcune marche di cibo per cani dimagranti nella tua credenza, prendi una visione obiettiva del cibo che il tuo cane consumerà, dal punto di vista calorico. Non dimenticare le prelibatezze extra che gli dai per il buon comportamento. Gli snack dovrebbero davvero comprendere solo il 5% circa del suo apporto calorico totale durante il piano di perdita di peso.
Alcuni dei migliori marchi di cibo per cani consigliati dai veterinari per la perdita di peso e il mantenimento del peso sono:
Anteprima | Prodotto | Valutazione | |
![]() | Cibo secco per cani Hill's Science Diet, adulto, perfetto... | 5.674 recensioni | Controlla il prezzo |
![]() | Cibo secco per cani Merrick, peso sano senza cereali... | 801 Recensioni | Controlla il prezzo |
![]() | Natural Balance Fat Dogs Cibo secco per cani a basso contenuto calorico,... | 2.870 recensioni | Controlla il prezzo |
![]() | Purina Pro Plan Cibo per cani a basso contenuto di grassi e controllo del peso... | 3.969 recensioni | Controlla il prezzo |
L'implementazione di una nuova dieta dimagrante per il cane deve essere fatta in modo sensato e graduale. Non puoi semplicemente decidere di dimezzare oggi l'importo che hai dato da mangiare al tuo animale domestico ieri. Qualsiasi dieta deve essere accompagnata da un programma di esercizi sostenibili; lento e costante vince la gara, non un'escursione faticosa oggi e niente per il resto della settimana. Di seguito sono riportati alcuni suggerimenti generali che potresti trovare utili.
Another way to aid weight loss is to try cutting back on the regular dog food and adding some vegetables invece. Fresh vegetables are an excellent source of fiber and vitamins and will add variety to the diet too, and they're low in calories. Some excellent options include:Broccoli, Apples, Celery, Cucumber, Carrots, Bananas, Whole grains (oats, brown rice, millet, served with a tbsp. olive or sesame oil), and Green beans.
Any successful diet must be complimented by a sustainable and suitable exercise program. Reduced calories alone may go a certain way towards weight loss, but another major part of dieting is muscle toning, which is a result of using and strengthening the muscles which have been ‘on holiday’, so to speak.
While the actual daily food intake part of the diet may be a little complicated and require some detailed calculations, the exercise part is something enjoyable to both man and beast. Exercising with your dog is fun for both of you and easy enough to fit into your daily routine.
Some simple examples are:
You may well find that increased exercise will help you achieve your personal weight goals too.Again, it is best to consult professional advice before launching an exercise program. Very overweight dogs may need time to build up the necessary stamina to maintain rigorous physical exercise. Like humans, your dog will be exhausted after the first few times of extended play, but don’t lose heart – in time he will build up their strength and endurance and be able to sustain it going forward.
Today is D-day. There is no better time to get moving and cut back on eating! I cannot stress enough the importance of consulting your veterinary practitioner before launching a full-scale weight loss operation. So, if at all possible, book an appointment to have a thorough check-up of your dog, discuss the weight loss options and ask for any tips or advice relating specifically to your dog.
Determine your pooch’s ideal daily calorie intake. In the absence of seeing a vet to determine this, the following formula/s might prove to be useful to you (calculation is done in pounds)
Divide your dog’s weight by 2.2, then multiply the result by 30 then add 70 [(lbs/2.2)x30]+70
This will give you a general idea of how much your dog should be eating if it is an indoor and inactive pet. Use this only as a guide, because the metabolic needs of each pet will vary.
Take your new meal/food diary and work out the calorie count of a typical day for your pet (i.e before you started the diet). Most good quality pet foods have comprehensive nutrition charts on the bag or tin. If you are feeding your pet dry or tinned foods, you can easily measure accordingly, however keep in mind that most commercial pet foods are measured using an 8oz cup measure – make sure you do the same.
If you are feeding a combination of bought and homemade foods, you will need to consult dietary charts or books for caloric information on the ingredients that go into the homemade portion of the diet and add up the total that is being served per portion. Consult the calorie charts below for calorie counts of common vegetables and fruits.
Compare the calorie count your dog has been consuming with what he/she needs. Decide where you are going to cut back.
Start the first by reducing your dog’s daily intake by just 25%. Then reduce it every two or three days by 10% (you will continue to do this until you are seeing a 1% loss per week). Don’t make drastic reductions all at once; we are aiming for gradual weight loss which can be sustained, not dramatic loss that is easily gained again.
You may find it easier to create a menu plan for the week – list out exactly what your dog will eat each day – don’t forget to allow for treats. Remember, as a rule of thumb, treats should comprise only 3 – 4% of the daily intake. Treats don’t necessarily have to be food; how about a new toy?
Create an exercise plan in conjunction with the menu plan. Try to incorporate some form of exercise each day. Just like people, if your pet has not been used to regular exercise, it will take time for him/her to get accustomed to it so start gently and increase the exertion level over time. An example of the first week might be:
The term ‘brisk walk’ means a walk at a steady pace, without stopping for the dog to mark territory or sniff at scents. Hold the leash firmly and close and use obedience commands such as ‘come’ or ‘heel’ if the animal is inclined to try and stop.
Your dog needs to understand that you are on a mission and that this is not just the casual stroll that he may have been used to in the past. If your pooch refuses to co-operate you may have to resort to taking it back home, crating the animal or giving it no attention for a set length of time, then try again later in the day. Do not over-exert elderly dogs or those with poor health – again, it is best to consult your veterinary specialist in such circumstances.
By now the honeymoon of the diet is over and your dog should have fully ‘switched over’ to the new diet menu and be getting accepting the fact that you are serious about the exercise program.
Be sure to do a weigh-in session and record your pooch’s progress. The ideal and safe weight loss is approximately 1% per week, however, if the progress isn’t that marked, don’t forget that the animal hasn’t been on the diet properly for even a full week.
Take time out to create a menu and exercise plan at the beginning of the week – it will save you the daily frustration of trying to work out serves and calories.
Depending on your own daily schedule, you may find it beneficial to break up mealtimes into several smaller ones. Remember, dogs aren’t mathematicians and making the meal portions smaller and more often may prove to be more satisfying and help curb any desires to scavenge.
Remove the food bowls after 30 minutes or so and discard uneaten portions. If you leave bowls around you are encouraging an ‘all day buffet’ rather than specific meal times.
Also, try incorporating a little exercise into the mealtime routine. Place the food in several different locations or, if your dog is an inside pet, at the top or bottom of a staircase. You will need to be creative in coming up with new ideas because overweight dogs are smart and if the meal time location moves up or downstairs, so will they!
Keep in mind that your dog may benefit from a little extra love and affection while on a strict diet. An extra cuddle or massage will re-assure him that you still love them and the restricted meals and lack of regular, unhealthy goodies does not mean that you have lost interest in him.
Keep working on the exercise program. It may seem very constant, but results may already be showing. Your pet should be starting to show signs of increased stamina and maybe you too are proving the benefits of daily exercise! Try incorporating a swim (weather permitting) into this week’s program – swimming is an excellent way of strengthening and toning nearly every muscle in the body.
You should be starting to notice real changes now. With the constant exercise and healthy eating program your dog should be more active, more energetic and starting to lose that extra flab that didn’t look good.
Take time to record these changes in your diary. Take photos of your pooch and add them to your record.
However thrilling this change may be, please don’t resort to treating your dog because he/she is doing so well. Remember, you love your pet and you are doing the best for them, do don’t spoil it now!
Again, take time to plan out the week’s meals and exercise program and stick to it. By now, it will be seeming more natural and you will hopefully be adjusting your lifestyle around the extra activities.
Weigh-in again and take time to enjoy the results of your efforts. Update your diary and take more photos. Share your excitement with your friends and family and treat your dog to an extra cuddle or favorite activity. Your dog should be looking much better, slimmer and generally healthier.
If your pet has reached its goal weight, you need to establish a maintenance diet. Talk to your vet about this, because maintenance programs are individual and vary wildly depending on the type of dog.
There is a tendency to relax on exercise once the optimum weight is reached, however this is a trap that you must take steps to avoid. Keep up the daily exercise – your dog will now be enjoying it and looking forward to these times, so don’t slacken off. After all, its quality time for them and you and can be turned into a whole family activity.
Don’t be disheartened if the goal weight hasn’t been achieved inside one month. Consider how long it has taken for the dog to become this overweight in the first place and accept that it is going to take a lot of effort and dedication to bring him/her back to what they should be.
“Rome wasn’t built in a day”. We hear that said often enough and it applies to dieting too. Just keep going, steadily moving forward. It may not be easy to see the daily improvement when you are with your pet all the time, but look back over a week, a month and enjoy the positive changes.
Your efforts will be well worthwhile when you consider that you are adding extra years to your dog's life, not to mention a much better quality of life. Apart from the aches, pains and suffering you are saving your pooch, consider the savings you are making yourself on extra veterinary bills and prescribed medicines and treatments!
I think it really boils down to how much you love your pet – if you love them you will care for them in the way that is best for them, not by catering to their every whim and fancy and spoiling them with unnecessary and unhealthy treats.
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