Quindi vuoi viaggiare da qualche parte in aereo, ma non riesci a immaginare di lasciare il tuo animale domestico a casa? Se stai cercando di portare un animale domestico su un aereo, è importante informarti sulle politiche e sulle guide della compagnia aerea specifica con cui viaggi, perché, purtroppo, le regole per viaggiare con gli animali domestici non sono uguali per tutti.
Sopraffatto? Non essere. Ti abbiamo coperto. Ecco una pratica guida alle politiche sugli animali domestici delle principali compagnie aeree statunitensi.
Norme sugli animali domestici di American Airlines

Politica per gli animali domestici di American Airlines
La politica ufficiale di American Airlines per gli animali domestici:
Ad aprile 2021, a causa di cambiamenti di volo, gli animali domestici non vengono più controllati ad eccezione del personale militare statunitense in servizio attivo che viaggia per incarichi. ma in condizioni normali:"A seconda della razza, delle dimensioni e delle esigenze degli animali, possono viaggiare come bagaglio a mano, essere registrati o trasportati con American Airlines Cargo. Ad eccezione di alcune restrizioni di razza, puoi viaggiare solo con i gatti e cani". Puoi viaggiare con un animale domestico sulla maggior parte dei voli fino a 11 ore e 30 minuti o voli da/per il Nord America, Centro America e Porto Rico, St. Croix e St. Thomas.
Il costo del viaggio con un animale domestico su American Airlines dipende da come intendi trasportare l'animale.
- Animali domestici registrati all'interno e tra Stati Uniti e Canada, Messico, America centrale e meridionale e Caraibi: Verificare con la compagnia aerea una volta che riprende ad accettare animali domestici registrati.
- Trasportare animali domestici all'interno e tra gli Stati Uniti e Canada, Messico, America Centrale, Colombia e Caraibi (in base alla politica di ingresso del paese specifico): $ 125 per canile
- Assistenza agli animali da e verso tutte le destinazioni: Nessun addebito.
Regole per viaggiare con animali domestici a mano su American Airlines:
- Quanti animali domestici possono portare i passeggeri su American Airlines? 1 per cliente. Puoi viaggiare con il trasportino e un oggetto personale, ma non ti sarà permesso portare un bagaglio a mano oltre a un trasportino e un oggetto personale. Il canile sostituirà invece il tuo bagaglio a mano.
- In che modo gli animali domestici possono viaggiare in cabina con American Airlines? Gli animali domestici che viaggiano in cabina devono rimanere in una cuccia, sotto il sedile davanti al proprietario per tutto il volo.
- Quanto costa portare un animale a mano su American Airlines? $ 125 per canile.
- Quanto può essere grande un animale da compagnia su American Airlines? L'animale deve stare all'interno di una cuccia che si inserisce sotto il sedile davanti al passeggero con cui viaggia. L'animale deve inoltre essere in grado di stare in piedi, girarsi e sdraiarsi in posizione naturale nella propria cuccia, senza toccare nessun lato o la parte superiore della cuccia.
- Quali tipi di canili sono ammessi su American Airlines? AA non richiede un tipo o una marca specifica di cuccia, ma richiede che le cucce non pieghevoli non superino le dimensioni sotto il sedile di qualsiasi aeromobile incluso nel viaggio del passeggero e che le cucce pieghevoli dai lati morbidi "si adattino sotto il sedile senza dover per far crollare eccessivamente la cuccia" e le cucce morbide devono anche "essere sicure, imbottite, realizzate in materiale idrorepellente e dotate di ventilazione a rete di nylon su 2 o più lati". American Airlines consiglia ai passeggeri di contattare le prenotazioni per verificare le dimensioni massime per i loro viaggi.
- Quanti animali domestici possono viaggiare in cabina su un determinato volo? AA limita il trasporto di animali domestici a sette canili per volo sui voli americani (esclusi gli animali di servizio) e cinque sui voli American Eagle (con un massimo di un animale a mano in prima classe).
- Gli animali domestici possono viaggiare a mano in First e Business Class su American Airlines? Sì, ma sono previste ulteriori restrizioni. "Gli animali domestici devono rimanere nella loro cuccia durante il volo e dovranno essere collocati in uno scompartimento dedicato agli animali nella parte anteriore dell'aereo durante il taxi, il decollo, l'atterraggio e le turbolenze", spiega AA in merito alla sua politica di First/Business Class . Inoltre, il peso combinato del trasportino e del tuo animale domestico non può superare i 20 libbre e l'animale domestico e la cuccia verranno pesati al momento del check-in.
Regole per viaggiare con animali domestici registrati su American Airlines:
- Quanti animali da stiva possono portare i passeggeri su American Airlines? 2 per cliente, a condizione che gli animali soddisfino gli altri requisiti di età, salute e taglia della compagnia aerea.
- Quanti animali da stiva accettano American Airlines su un determinato volo? Anche se non ci sono limiti rigorosi sul numero di animali da stiva per volo, come per gli animali domestici a mano, AA osserva che la capacità è limitata e che gli animali da stiva sono accettati in base all'ordine di arrivo, quindi è importante prendere accordi in anticipo. I passeggeri che desiderano controllare gli animali domestici devono notificare la prenotazione almeno 48 ore prima del viaggio.
- Quale documentazione è necessaria per controllare un animale domestico con American Airlines? AA richiede ai passeggeri che viaggiano con animali registrati di fornire certificati sanitari per ciascun animale. Il certificato deve essere rilasciato da un veterinario entro 10 giorni dalla data del viaggio ed entro 60 giorni dal ritorno per il viaggio con lo stesso biglietto (la regola dei 10 giorni si applica se il viaggio di ritorno è prenotato con un biglietto separato). I passeggeri che viaggiano con animali da stiva devono anche fornire una certificazione scritta che il loro animale domestico è stato nutrito e offerto dell'acqua entro quattro ore dal momento in cui sono stati lasciati alla compagnia aerea e che l'animale è "attaccato in modo sicuro e visibile all'esterno del canile". "
- Che tipo di istruzioni dovresti preparare se stai controllando un animale domestico su American Airlines? Chiunque controlli un animale domestico con AA dovrà anche fornire istruzioni per l'alimentazione e l'abbeveraggio per un periodo di 24 ore e la compagnia aerea non accetterà "niente cibo o acqua" come istruzioni a meno che tale nota non provenga direttamente da un veterinario.
- Quali requisiti di taglia ha American Airlines per quanto riguarda le cucce per animali da stiva? Qualsiasi cuccia per un animale da stiva deve essere abbastanza grande da consentire all'animale di stare in piedi, girarsi, sedersi e sdraiarsi in posizione naturale (senza toccare alcun lato o la parte superiore del contenitore) e non deve superare le dimensioni massime richieste dall'aeromobile il passeggero sta viaggiando.
- Che tipo di cucce sono consentite per gli animali domestici registrati su American Airlines? AA richiede che le cucce per animali controllati siano fatte di legno, metallo, plastica o materiali simili e abbiano una porta in metallo saldato o fuso che sia fissata e fissata. La cuccia deve anche essere fissata in alto e in basso con bulloni o viti e "abbastanza rigida e sicura in modo che l'animale non possa scappare attraverso le fessure o infilare qualsiasi parte del corpo attraverso il contenitore". La compagnia aerea richiede inoltre che i passeggeri che viaggiano con animali registrati proteggano personalmente tutti e quattro gli angoli della cuccia del loro animale con cavi di rilascio (forniti dalla compagnia aerea). Il canile deve anche avere ventilazione su almeno tre lati per i viaggi nazionali negli Stati Uniti e su quattro lati per i viaggi internazionali. In pratica, AA richiede anche che le cucce siano a tenuta stagna, pulite e rivestite con una sorta di materiale assorbente.
- Cos'altro dovrò "fare i bagagli" per un animale registrato su American Airlines? AA richiede ai passeggeri che controllano un animale domestico di includere piatti separati per cibo e acqua attaccati saldamente all'interno della cuccia e che alleghino una piccola borsa di cibo (sufficiente per un periodo di 24 ore) sulla parte superiore della cuccia.
- Possono viaggiare più animali nello stesso canile se registrati su American Airlines? AA consente ai passeggeri di viaggiare con un massimo di due animali domestici nello stesso canile durante il trasporto di animali giovani (di età compresa tra 8 settimane e 6 mesi) purché siano della stessa specie, abbiano dimensioni simili e pesino meno di 20 libbre ciascuno .
- Dovresti sedare il tuo animale domestico prima di controllarlo per viaggiare con American Airlines? AA non accetterà cani e gatti domestici che sono stati sedati o tranquillizzati.
Consulta il sito Web delle norme sugli animali domestici di American Airlines per informazioni sulle restrizioni relative agli aeromobili e ai collegamenti per gli animali domestici registrati.
Regole per viaggiare con animali di supporto emotivo e animali di servizio psichiatrico su American Airlines:
- American Airlines non accetta più animali di supporto emotivo o animali di servizio psichiatrico. Qualsiasi ESA deve viaggiare come animale domestico e rispettare le restrizioni sugli animali domestici.
Regole per viaggiare con animali di servizio addestrati su American Airlines:
- Come definisce American Airlines gli animali di servizio addestrati? Secondo AA, "gli animali di servizio addestrati sono stati specificamente addestrati per svolgere funzioni vitali per individui con disabilità, inclusi ma non limitati a disabilità visive, sordità, convulsioni, problemi di mobilità e disturbo da stress post-traumatico".
- Devi avvisare in anticipo American Airlines se viaggi con un animale di servizio addestrato? Per viaggiare con un animale di servizio, è necessario presentare allo Special Assistance Desk almeno 48 ore prima del volo il modulo per il trasporto aereo degli animali di servizio del Dipartimento dei trasporti degli Stati Uniti attestante la salute, l'addestramento e il comportamento dell'animale.
- Quali specie sono ammesse come animali di servizio addestrati su American Airlines? A partire dal 15 marzo 2011, solo i cani sono riconosciuti come animali di servizio ai titoli II e III dell'ADA.
- Ci sono restrizioni di taglia per gli animali di servizio addestrati su American Airlines? L'animale deve poter stare ai piedi del passeggero, sotto il suo sedile o in grembo (ma gli animali domestici non possono essere più grandi di un bambino di due anni). In caso contrario, al passeggero potrebbe essere chiesto di riprenotare un volo con più posti liberi, acquistare un biglietto per l'animale o trasportare l'animale come animale da stiva.
Altre restrizioni e considerazioni:
Restrizioni di destinazione: Se hai intenzione di viaggiare con un animale domestico su American Airlines, assicurati che la tua destinazione sia idonea al trasporto di animali domestici. In generale, la compagnia aerea accetta animali domestici la maggior parte dei voli fino a 11 ore e 30 minuti o voli da/per:
- Stati Uniti e Canada
- Alaska
- America Centrale
- Messico
- Portorico
- S. Croce
- S. Tommaso
Per un elenco più dettagliato delle restrizioni sulla destinazione, consulta la politica completa sugli animali domestici di American Airlines.
Restrizioni di razza canina: AA non consente ai passeggeri di controllare cani brachicefali o dal naso camuso di qualsiasi "miscela". Ciò include pugili, pitbull, carlini e mastini, tra le altre razze. Un elenco completo è disponibile qui.
Restrizioni di età per i cani: American Airlines richiede che i cani che viaggiano negli Stati Uniti e a Porto Rico abbiano almeno 8 settimane di vita. I cani che entrano negli Stati Uniti con la compagnia aerea da altrove devono avere almeno 16 settimane di età.
Restrizioni sulle razze di gatti: AA vieta inoltre di controllare i gatti brachicefali di qualsiasi "miscela", una categoria che include gatti birmani, persiani, himalayani ed esotici a pelo corto.
Limiti di età per gatti: I gatti devono avere almeno 8 settimane quando viaggiano negli Stati Uniti e a Porto Rico con American Airlines.
Politica sugli animali domestici di Delta Airlines

Politica sugli animali domestici di Delta Airlines
La politica ufficiale di Delta Airlines per gli animali domestici:
"Decolla con il tuo amico preferito, anche se ha la pelliccia. Alcuni animali domestici possono viaggiare con Delta come bagaglio a mano o spediti come carico (molto speciale), a seconda delle loro dimensioni. Rivedi i requisiti, quindi chiamaci in anticipo al numero 800-221-1212 per organizzare il trasporto del tuo animale domestico."
- Trasporto di animali domestici da e verso Stati Uniti, Canada e Porto Rico: $ 125
- Trasporto di animali domestici da e verso le Isole Vergini americane: $ 200
- Trasportare animali domestici sui voli internazionali: $ 200
- Animali domestici da trasporto da e verso il Brasile: $ 75
- Animali registrati verso qualsiasi destinazione: "Potrebbero essere applicati costi aggiuntivi"
- Animali di servizio: Nessun addebito. A partire dall'11 gennaio 2021, Delta non accetterà più prenotazioni di animali di supporto emotivo (ESAN) su nessun volo Delta.
Regole per viaggiare con animali domestici a mano su Delta Airlines:
- In che modo gli animali domestici possono viaggiare in cabina con Delta Airlines? Gli animali domestici che viaggiano in cabina devono rimanere in una cuccia, sotto il sedile davanti al proprietario per tutto il volo. Delta richiede inoltre ai proprietari di animali domestici di tenere i loro animali nei canili mentre si trovano nell'area di imbarco e nella Sky Lounge in aeroporto.
- Quanto costa portare un animale a mano su Delta Airlines? Varia, a seconda della tua destinazione. Vedi "costo" sopra.
- Quanto può essere grande un animale a mano su Delta Airlines? Un animale domestico da trasporto deve essere abbastanza piccolo da poter stare comodamente e muoversi in una cuccia senza toccare o sporgere dai lati del recinto.
- Quali tipi di canili sono ammessi su Delta Airlines? Delta richiede che le cucce per il bagaglio a mano si inseriscano sotto il sedile direttamente di fronte al passeggero e che le cucce morbide o rigide siano a tenuta stagna e ventilate su almeno due lati. Le dimensioni massime del canile a mano sono determinate dal volo di un passeggero e Delta incoraggia i passeggeri a verificare con le prenotazioni i requisiti di dimensioni specifiche.
- Più di un animale può condividere un trasportino su Delta Airlines? In generale, Delta ammette un solo animale per canile, con due eccezioni:una femmina di gatto/cane può viaggiare con la sua cucciolata non svezzata se la cucciolata ha un'età compresa tra 10 settimane e 6 mesi e due animali della stessa razza e taglia che hanno tra le 10 settimane e i 6 mesi possono condividere un canile se sono compatibili e abbastanza piccoli da condividere comodamente lo spazio. Gli animali autorizzati a condividere un canile verranno addebitati come un animale domestico.
- Un canile per animali domestici conta come bagaglio a mano su Delta Airlines? Sì. Un passeggero che viaggia con un animale a mano deve considerare la cuccia del proprio animale come bagaglio a mano. Potranno comunque portare un piccolo oggetto personale (come una borsa o una valigetta) oltre alla cuccia.
- Quanti animali domestici possono viaggiare in cabina su un determinato volo Delta? I voli Delta limitano gli animali domestici a un massimo di due animali in First/Business Class e quattro in cabina principale sui voli nazionali e internazionali. Gli animali domestici sono accettati in base all'ordine di arrivo. Chiama Delta in anticipo al numero 800-221-1212 per organizzare l'imbarco del tuo animale domestico.
- Gli animali domestici possono viaggiare a mano in First e Business Class su Delta Airlines? Sui voli nazionali, sì, ma non più di due per volo e non in cabine con sedili a pianale. Gli animali domestici non sono ammessi in First o Business Class sui voli internazionali.
- Quanti anni deve avere un animale per volare in bagaglio a mano su un volo Delta? Gli animali domestici che viaggiano a mano devono avere almeno 10 settimane per i voli nazionali e almeno 16 settimane per i viaggi internazionali dagli Stati Uniti.
Regole per viaggiare con animali domestici registrati su Delta Airlines:
- Qual è la politica di Delta Airlines in merito agli animali registrati? Delta non trasporta animali domestici come bagaglio registrato e li trasporta invece tramite il servizio di spedizione Delta Cargo. "Il nostro servizio di spedizione specializzato Delta Cargo fornisce un trasporto sicuro, affidabile tutto l'anno, con un servizio per soddisfare le esigenze di tutti gli animali domestici che vengono spediti senza i loro proprietari". In risposta al COVID-19, Delta Cargo non accetta spedizioni di animali domestici. Verificare con Delta per vedere quando le regole potrebbero essere cambiate.
- Delta Airlines consiglia di trasportare animali domestici via cargo? La decisione spetta in definitiva al proprietario dell'animale domestico, ma Delta delinea alcuni dei rischi che il trasporto merci comporta per gli animali e incoraggia i clienti a consultare un veterinario prima di prenotare il viaggio. "Il trasporto via carico può essere stressante per gli animali", scrive l'azienda. "L'esposizione ad ambienti, persone e movimenti sconosciuti ha un impatto diverso su ciascun animale e comporta rischi che potrebbero portare a malattie, lesioni, fuga o morte. Durante l'ottenimento di un certificato sanitario, si prega di discutere i rischi del viaggio aereo con il veterinario. Considerare l'età del proprio animale , anamnesi di condizioni preesistenti e/o se presenta disturbi d'ansia che possono essere esacerbati durante il viaggio."
- Ci sono eccezioni alla politica di Delta relativa alla spedizione di animali tramite Delta Cargo? Sì. I membri militari e gli ufficiali del servizio estero del Dipartimento di Stato degli Stati Uniti possono imbarcare i loro animali domestici come bagaglio a pagamento quando viaggiano con ordini di trasferimento attivi, ma devono prenotare l'animale come bagaglio registrato almeno 48 ore prima del viaggio e gli animali domestici registrati come bagaglio devono rispettare regolamenti federali. Questo servizio costa $ 200 sia sui voli nazionali che internazionali ($ 150 per i viaggi da e per il Brasile). Maggiori dettagli sulla politica degli animali domestici di Delta per i militari in servizio attivo e gli ufficiali del servizio estero del Dipartimento di Stato sono disponibili qui.
- I passeggeri possono prenotare il trasporto di animali domestici sul biglietto di viaggio? No. Delta richiede una prenotazione separata per gli animali domestici spediti come merce (non è incluso nell'itinerario di volo di un passeggero) e potrebbero essere applicati costi e costi aggiuntivi.
- Quando i passeggeri possono prenotare il trasporto di animali domestici su Delta Cargo? La spedizione di animali domestici su Delta Cargo non può essere prenotata fino a 14 giorni prima della partenza.
- Gli animali domestici viaggiano sullo stesso aereo del loro proprietario quando vengono spediti tramite Delta Cargo? Non è garantito. Gli animali domestici che viaggiano attraverso Delta Cargo devono essere lasciati in una sede Delta Cargo (che è separata dal check-in dei passeggeri) almeno tre ore prima dell'orario di partenza e poi ritirati presso una sede Delta Cargo all'arrivo nella destinazione del passeggero.
- Puoi spedire animali domestici a livello internazionale tramite Delta Airlines? Per Delta's website, "Delta Cargo only accepts international pet shipments from known shipping companies. Delta requires international customers use a pet shipper, approved by the International Pet and Animal Transportation Association. Customers would then need to follow acceptance procedures set by the shipper."
- What documentation is required to ship a pet with Delta Airlines? Delta requires customers shipping pets at cargo to provide a health certificate for the animal. The dated certificate has to be be issued by a licensed veterinarian within 10 days of transport and must include the shipper's name and address, tag numbers or tattoos assigned to the animal, the age of the animal being shipped (animals must be at least 8 weeks old and fully weaned for domestic shipping travel), a statement that the animal is in good health, a list of administered inoculations, when applicable, the signature of the veterinarian.
- What kinds of instructions should you prepare if you're shipping a pet on Delta Airlines? Customers hoping to ship their pet through Delta Cargo must complete a live animal checklist and confirm that their animal has been offered food and water within 4 hours of check-in. Customers shipping animals must also provide Delta with feeding and watering instructions for a 24-hour period and food for in-transit feeding, if necessary.
- Should you sedate your pet before shipping it for travel with Delta Airlines? Because the use of pet tranquilizers at high altitudes is unpredictable, Delta requires written consent from a vet to sedate any animal shipped through Delta Cargo. What's more, the airline doesn't allow the sedation of shipped household dogs and cats at all.
Rules for traveling with Emotional Support Animals and Psychiatric Service Animals on Delta Airlines:
- Delta no longer recognizes emotional support or animals as service animals beginning Jan. 11, 2021. Any ESAs must travel as pets and follow the pet restrictions.
Rules for traveling with Trained Service Animals on Delta Airlines:
- Do you need to notify Delta Airlines in advance if traveling with a trained service animal? Customers must submit the U.S. DOT Service Animal Air Travel Form for validation prior to their flight attesting to the animal's health, training, and behavior.
- What species and breeds are allowed as trained service animals on Delta Airlines? As of Jan. 11, 2021, Delta will only accept trained service animals that are dogs.
- Are there size restrictions for trained service animals on Delta Airlines? The size of the animal must not exceed the "footprint" of the passenger's seat.
- What documentation is required to fly with a trained service animal on Delta Airlines? Customers must submit the U.S. DOT Service Animal Air Travel Form for validation prior to their flight attesting to the animal's health, training and behavior.
More information about Delta Airlines' service animal policies and FAQs are available here.
Other restrictions and considerations:
Destination restrictions: Pets aren't allowed to travel in cabin on Delta Airlines flights to (this does not include trained service animals):
- Australia
- Barbados
- Dakar
- Dubai
- Hong Kong
- Iceland
- Jamaica
- New Zealand
- Republic of Ireland
- South Africa
- United Kingdom
- United Arab Emirates
- Hawaii
See a full list of destination and connection restrictions on Delta Airlines here.
Species restrictions: Delta allows household birds on domestic U.S. flights only excluding Hawaii, US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam. They must be able to fit in a small, ventilated pet carrier that fits under the seat in front of you.
Age restrictions: Delta doesn't impose a maximum age limit for animals traveling by air, but notes that impaired vision or hearing, heart, liver or kidney disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, senility, and weakness can often impact older animals and strongly encourages passengers traveling with older animals to consult a vet.
Breed restrictions: Delta does not permit brachycephalic (snub-nosed) dogs and cats and their mixes on Delta or Delta Connection flights. See Delta Cargo for a full list of restricted dog and cat breeds.
Weather restrictions: Delta imposes seasonal restrictions on pet travel for the animals' safety and doesn't ship animals during extreme weather, including temperatures that exceeds 80˚F (27˚C) or fall below 20˚F (-7˚C). Delta also requires a Certificate of Acclimation for animals traveling when temperatures fall between 20˚F (-7˚C) and 45˚F (7˚C).
United Airlines Pet Policy

United Airlines pet policy
- Carry-on pets: $125
- Checked pets to any destination: United has suspended all pet shipping and military pet transportation until further notice.
- Service animals: No charge
Rules for traveling with carry-on pets on United Airlines:
- What animals are eligible to ride in-cabin on United Airlines? Per United's website, "In-cabin pets are domesticated cats and dogs that travel in the aircraft cabin with a customer." Birds and rabbits are no longer allowed.
- How can pets ride in-cabin on United Airlines? Pets riding in the cabin must stay in a kennel, under the seat in front of their owner throughout the entire flight.
- How much does it cost to bring a carry-on pet on United Airlines? $125
- Can a passenger fly with more than one pet on United Airlines? Yes, technically—but they would have to buy an extra seat and pay the additional $125 pet fee. Even then, the second pet would have to stay under the extra seat, not in the seat next to its owner.
- How big can a carry-on pet be on United Airlines? A carry-on pet must be small enough to fit comfortably and move around in a kennel without touching or protruding from the sides of the enclosure.
- What kinds of kennels are allowed on United Airlines? United allows both hard-sided and soft-sided kennels, but either way, the kennel must fit completely under the seat in front of the customer and remain there at all times. The maximum dimensions for hard-sided kennels are 17.5 inches long x 12 inches wide x 7.5 inches high (44 cm x 30 cm x 19 cm). The recommended maximum dimensions for soft-sided kennels are 18 inches long x 11 inches wide x 11 inches high (46 cm x 28 cm x 28 cm). Soft-sided pet carriers may exceed these dimensions slightly, as they are collapsible and able to conform to under-seat space without blocking the aisle (on Boeing 737 MAX 9 aircraft, soft-sided kennels must be no higher than 10 inches).
- Can more than one animal share a carry-on kennel on United Airlines? Only one pet is allowed in a kennel.
- How many pets can ride in-cabin on a given United flight? United only notes that pet travel is booked on an "as available" basis.
More details about United Airlines' in-cabin pet policies are available here.
Rules for traveling with checked pets on United Airlines:
- What is United Airlines' policy regarding checked pets? United, as a general rule, does not transport pets as checked luggage and instead transports them via its PetSafe service. As of April 2021, PetSafe has been suspended.
- Are there exceptions to United's policy of shipping animals through its PetSafe program? As of April 2021, military pet transport through PetSafe has been suspended.
- Are there any health restrictions for pets flying through United's PetSafe program? United requires original health certificates for all cats and dogs, and they need to be issued and signed by a licensed veterinarian. Unites says "older pets and very young pets are more sensitive to stress from traveling. We recommend talking with your vet about additional health screenings your pet might need and to learn about their health risks during their trip."
- Are there breed restrictions for pets flying through United's PetSafe program? Yes. There are many breeds that United and PetSafe will not accept. See the full list here.
- Is every travel booking eligible for PetSafe? United will not accept PetSafe itineraries with more than three segments (or two connections). Moreover, to comply with the Animal Welfare Act, dogs and cats are required to have a comfort stop if the total length of their journey is more than 24 hours.
- What kind of crate is required when shipping pets through United's PetSafe problem? United requires animals traveling through PetSafe to use an approved crate that meets United Airlines, USDA, and International Air Transport Association (IATA) requirements and recommends purchasing one directly through Petmate. United requires PetSafe users to submit photos of their kennel for pre-approval after booking. Crates cannot be larger that 34 inches high and must be large enough for the animal inside to stand, turn around normally while standing, sit up and lie down in a natural position.
- Can more than one animal share a crate using United's PetSafe program? Generally, no. The only exception is that two kittens or puppies younger than six months can travel in a crate together as long as they're similar in size and weigh less than 20 pounds each, but the crate must be large enough for the animals to move around freely.
- What documentation is required to ship a pet with United Airlines? United requires several documents for animals traveling via PetSafe, including:
- A scanned copy of their completed, signed and dated Customer Acknowledgement Form
- A scanned copy of their pet's original health certificate issued and signed by a licensed veterinarian who examined their pet within 10 days of travel (or a shorter timeframe if required by the destination country)
- A digital photo of their pet's travel crate so United can give the customer guidance on how to make sure it meets PetSafe's crate requirements.
- A digital photo of their pet clearly showing their face to verify the breed.
- What kinds of instructions should you prepare if you're shipping a pet on United Airlines? United requires customers to attach certification stating the last time the animal was offered food and water to the outside of the crate. Owners are also required to attach any special feeding or watering instructions needed for their animal's care. More information about what's allowed and not allowed in the crate of an animal using PetSafe if available here.
- Should you sedate your pet before shipping it for travel with United Airlines? According to United's website, "United supports the American Veterinarian Medical Association's (AVMA) recommendation to not transport pets that have been sedated. We will not accept cats or dogs that have been sedated or that appear to be sedated."
Rules for traveling with Emotional Support Animals and Psychiatric Service Animals on United Airlines:
- United does not transport emotional support animals. Emotional support animals follow the same restrictions as pets.
Rules for traveling with trained service animals on United Airlines:
- How does United Airlines define a trained service animal? "A service animal is a dog, regardless of breed or type, that is over the age of 4 months and individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a qualified individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual or other mental disability."
- Do you need to notify United Airlines in advance if traveling with a trained service animal? No, but it's always helpful when possible.
- What species and breeds are allowed as trained service animals on United Airlines? Service animals are dogs only.
- Are there size restrictions for trained service animals on United Airlines? United's website doesn't specifically list size restrictions for trained service animals, but it's safe to assume that, as on other airlines, the animal must be able to fit at the passenger's feet, under their seat, or in their lap (but lap animals can't be larger than a two-year-old child). United's website says the service dog is required to be seated in the floor space directly in front of the ticketed passenger's seat seat or within the ticketed personal space.
Other restrictions and considerations:
Destination restrictions: United only allows in-cabin pets on select flights and notes that they aren't permitted on "flights to, from or through Hawaii and some international cities."
United also reminds customers that they are responsible for complying with all applicable state and country entry requirements when traveling with a pet.
Passenger restrictions: United doesn't allow pets to travel with unaccompanied minors.
Age restrictions: United requires puppies and kittens traveling in-cabin as pets to be at least four months old at the time of travel.
Breed restrictions: United does not allow many dog and cat breeds to fly as a part of its PetSafe program, citing health and behavioral issues as the reason for restrictions. See the full list here.
Weather restrictions: United's PetSafe program monitors the weather conditions and assess each location's ability to handle pets during extreme weather. They may change your pet's planned travel date or their route if temperatures aren't safe. They won't accept reservations to and from the following airports between May 1 and September 30, due to high temperatures:
- Las Vegas (LAS)
- Palm Springs (PSP)
- Phoenix (PHX)
- Tucson (TUS)
Southwest Airlines Pet Policy

Southwest Airlines pet policy
The official Southwest Airlines pet policy:
"Southwest Airlines allows small vaccinated domestic cats and dogs to travel with you in-cabin under the seat in front of you. All pets must be carried in an appropriate carrier."
- Carry-on pets: $95
- Service animals: No charge
Rules for traveling with carry-on pets on Southwest Airlines:
- How can pets ride in-cabin on Southwest Airlines? Pets riding in the cabin must stay in a carrier, under the seat in front of their owner throughout the entire flight.
- How much does it cost to bring a carry-on pet on Southwest Airlines? $95
- How big can a carry-on pet be on Southwest Airlines? A carry-on pet must be small enough to fit comfortably and move around in a kennel without touching or protruding from the sides of the enclosure.
- What kinds of kennels are allowed on Southwest Airlines? Southwest limits pet carriers to maximum dimensions of 18.5 inches long x 8.5 inches high x 13.5 inches wide. Both soft-sided and hard-sided carriers are allowed, but must be leak-proof and well-ventilated and small enough to fit under the seat in front of the passenger. The airline recommends its custom Southwest Airlines Pet Carrier.
- Can more than one animal share a carry-on kennel on Southwest Airlines? Yes. Southwest permits customers to transport two cats or dogs, as long as the animals sharing the carrier are the same species. Customers are limited to one carrier per passenger.
- Does a pet kennel count as your carry-on luggage on Southwest Airlines? Southwest allows customers to count their kennel as either their carry-on luggage or their "small personal item." Per the Southwest website:"Pet carriers are considered either a personal item or a carryon item. A Customer may board the aircraft with either a pet carrier and a personal item or a pet carrier and a regular size carryon bag. A Customer may not board the aircraft with a pet carrier, a regular size carryon bag, and a personal item. The pet carrier must conform to all carryon baggage regulations."
- How many pets can ride in-cabin on a given Southwest flight? Southwest's policy is not to book more than six scheduled pet carriers per flight.
- Can pets travel in-cabin on international flights on Southwest? Southwest doesn't allow in-cabin pets to travel on any international flights.
- How old does an animal have to be to fly carry-on on a Southwest flight? Dogs and cats traveling as carry-ons must be at least 8 weeks old to fly Southwest.
- What are the health requirements for pets flying carry-on via Southwest? Southwest does not currently require any documentation or health records for animals flying as pets.
Rules for traveling with checked pets on Southwest Airlines:
- What is Southwest Airlines' policy regarding checked pets? Southwest does not permit pets to travel as cargo.
Rules for traveling with Emotional Support Animals on Southwest Airlines:
- As of March 1, 2021, Southwest Airlines no longer accepts emotional support animals. Any animal that is not a trained service animal must travel as a pet.
Rules for traveling with trained service animals on Southwest Airlines:
- How does Southwest define a service animal? "A fully trained service animal is individually trained to perform a task(s) or work for a person with a physical and/or mental disability. Only dogs are accepted as trained service animals."
- Do you need to notify Southwest Airlines in advance if traveling with a trained service animal? No, but a customer traveling with a trained service animal must present a complete Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation form at the ticket counter or gate on the day of travel.
- What species and breeds are allowed as trained service animals on Southwest Airlines? Only dogs are accepted as trained service animals.
- Are there size restrictions for trained service animals on Southwest Airlines? The animal must be able to fit at the passenger's feet, under their seat, or in their lap (but lap animals can't be larger than a two-year-old child).
- What documentation is required to fly with a trained service animal on Southwest Airlines? A customer traveling with a trained service animal must present a complete Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation form at the ticket counter or gate on the day of travel.
More information about Southwest Airlines' service animal policies and FAQs are available here.
Other restrictions and considerations:
Species restrictions: Southwest only allows dogs and cats to travel aboard its aircrafts as pets.
JetBlue Pet Policy

JetBlue pet policy
The official Jet Blue pet policy:
"Small dogs and cats may travel in the cabin in an FAA-approved pet carrier that fits comfortably under the seat in front of you. Only one pet per customer is allowed.."
- Carry-on pets: $125
- Service animals: No charge
Rules for traveling with carry-on pets on JetBlue:
- How can pets ride in-cabin on JetBlue? Carriers must be placed below the seat in front of you during taxi, take-off, and landing. You may hold the carrier on your lap during the flight. If you purchase an extra seat for your pet, the carrier may be placed on the additional purchased seat during the flight.
- How much does it cost to bring a carry-on pet on JetBlue? $125.
- What species are allowed to travel as pets on JetBlue? JetBlue only accepts small cats and dogs for pet travel.
- What documentation is required for a pet to fly in-cabin on JetBlue? Your pet will need ID tags and a pet license. Depending on your destination, you may also need your pet's vaccination and documentation records
- How big can a carry-on pet be on JetBlue? A carry-on pet must be small enough to fit comfortably and move around in a kennel without touching or protruding from the sides of the enclosure.
- What kinds of kennels are allowed on JetBlue Airlines? Your pet and approved pet carrier count as one personal item and must fit under the seat in front of you. Your pet carrier cannot exceed 17 inches L x 12.5 inches W x 8.5 inches H and the combined weight of your pet and the carrier must not exceed 20 pounds.
- How many pets does JetBlue allow per passenger? JetBlue allows only one pet per passenger. The airline notes that it does make rare exceptions to this rule and encourages guests wishing to fly with multiple pets to call 1-800-JETBLUE (1-800-538-2583) for more information.
- Does a pet kennel count as your carry-on luggage on JetBlue? Yes. JetBlue counts the pet and its carrier as one carry-on bag.
- How many pets can ride in-cabin on a given JetBlue flight? JetBlue allows a maximum of four pets per flight and says "the fourth and final pet must be booked at the airport at the ticket counter within 24 hours of departure and is available on a first-come, first-served basis."
- Can pets fly carry-on in JetBlue Mint flights? Pets are not allowed in Mint.
Rules for traveling with checked pets on JetBlue:
- What is JetBlue's policy regarding checked pets? All pets travel in the aircraft cabin on board JetBlue flights—the airline does not ship live animals as cargo or in the bellies of any aircraft.
Rules for traveling with Emotional Support Animals and Psychiatric Service Animals on JetBlue:
- JetBlue accepts trained service dogs only.
Rules for traveling with trained service animals on JetBlue:
- How does JetBlue define a trained service animal? " A service animal has been trained to perform a specific task to assist the customer traveling."
- Do you need to notify JetBlue in advance if traveling with a trained service animal? No, but it's always helpful when possible.
- What species and breeds are allowed as trained service animals on JetBlue? Under the ADA, only dogs and, in some cases, miniature horses are permitted as service animals, but JetBlue doesn't list these or other restrictions on its website regarding trained service animals.
- Are there size restrictions for trained service animals on JetBlue? JetBlue doesn't outline size restrictions for ESAs and PSAs, but it's reasonable to assume that, as on other airlines, the animal must be able to fit at the passenger's feet, under their seat, or in their lap (but lap animals can't be larger than a two-year-old child) and that, if the animal is traveling in a kennel, it must fit under the seat in front of the passenger.
- What documentation is required to fly with a trained service animal on JetBlue? JetBlue must be notified that you're traveling with a service animal and receive the U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form no later than 48 hours prior to departure.
More information about JetBlue's service animal policies here.
Other restrictions and considerations:
Destination restrictions: JetBlue does not accept pets on flights to Barbados and Trinidad &Tobago.
Interline flights: "Pets are not accepted on interline/codeshare bookings (a single itinerary including both JetBlue and partnership airline flights), regardless of where and how the reservation was booked."
Benefits of traveling with a pet on JetBlue: TrueBlue members can earn 300 extra points per flight segment for adding a pet to their booking.
JetBlue also offers a pet travel guide for customers, available here, that includes information about etiquette of flying with a pet as well as a guide to pet-friendly hotels and pet hospitals in many major cities.
Spirit Airlines Pet Policy

Spirit Airlines pet policy
The official policy:
"We want you to be able to take your favorite furry friend with you when you travel. That's why we allow small domesticated pets to travel on all domestic flights including Puerto Rico and St. Thomas, U.S.V.I. in the guest cabin."
- Carry-on pets: $110
- Service animals: No charge
Rules for traveling with carry-on pets on Spirit Airlines:
- How can pets ride in-cabin on Spirit Airlines? Pets riding in the cabin must stay in a kennel, under the seat in front of their owner throughout the entire flight.
- How much does it cost to bring a carry-on pet on Spirit Airlines? $110
- What documentation does Spirit Airlines require for pets flying in-cabin? While Spirit Airlines does not require a health certificate for pets traveling in-cabin (except for guests traveling to USVI), it does require a rabies vaccination certificate for pets traveling to Puerto Rico.
- What species are allowed to travel as pets on Spirit Airlines? Spirit allows domestic dogs domestic cats, small household birds (except to/from Puerto Rico and the U.S.V.I. ), small domestic rabbits (except to/from Puerto Rico and U.S.V.I) to fly in-cabin as pets.
- How big can a carry-on pet be on Spirit Airlines? Spirit requires that animals traveling in cabin be able to stand upright and move about comfortably in their kennel or carrier.
- What kinds of kennels are allowed on Spirit Airlines? Spirit Airlines requires that pet containers fit under the guest's seat and not exceed 18 x 14 x 9 inches. The airline only allows soft containers in the cabin—but not the type that allows the pet's head to remain outside.
- How many pets does Spirit Airlines allow per customer? Spirit limits passengers to one pet carrier each, but allows up to two pets per carrier.
- Can more than one animal share a carry-on kennel on Spirit Airlines? Yes. Spirit allows up to two animals per carrier, but the combined weight of the pet(s) and carrier may not exceed 40 pounds.
- Does a pet kennel count as your carry-on luggage on Spirit Airlines? Yes. A passenger traveling with a carry-on pet must count their animal's kennel as their carry-on item.
- How old does an animal have to be to fly carry-on on a Spirit Airlines flight? Pets traveling carry-on must be at least 8 weeks old and fully weaned.
Rules for traveling with checked pets on Spirit Airlines:
- What is Spirit Airlines' policy regarding checked pets? Spirit Airlines does not allow pets to travel as cargo.
Rules for traveling with Emotional Support Animals and Psychiatric Service Animals on Spirit Airlines:
- As of Jan. 11, 2021, emotional support animals (ESAN) will be required to travel as pets per updated Department of Transportation requirements.
Rules for traveling with trained service animals on Spirit Airlines:
- How does Spirit Airlines define a trained service animal? "A dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a qualified individual with a disability, including psychiatric service animals."
- Do you need to notify Spirit Airlines in advance if traveling with a trained service animal? You will need to complete and submit the U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form 48 hours before your flight.
- What species and breeds are allowed as trained service animals on Spirit Airlines? Only dogs will be accepted as trained service or psychiatric service animals.
- Are there size restrictions for trained service animals on Spirit Airlines? On Spirit Airlines, service dogs can sit on their owner's lap, if they're not larger than a lap child or be placed on the aircraft floor, provided it does not block an aisle or other area that must remain clear for emergency evacuation or extend into another guest's foot space (unless that guest gives consent allowing it to do so).
- What documentation is required to fly with a trained service animal on Spirit Airlines? You will need to complete and submit the U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form 48 hours before your flight.
More information about Spirit Airlines' service animal policies are available here.
Other restrictions and considerations:
Species restrictions: Although Spirit allows household birds to fly as pets, it does not allow farm poultry, waterfowl, game bird, birds of prey, and flightless birds aboard its aircrafts. Exotic pets such as snakes, spiders, rodents, etc. will also not be accepted.
Allegiant Air Pet Policy

Allegiant Air pet policy
The official policy:
"Allegiant welcomes domestic dogs and cats only in-cabin."
- Carry-on pets: $50 per segment
- Service animals: No charge
Rules for traveling with carry-on pets on Allegiant Airlines:
- How can pets ride in-cabin on Allegiant Airlines? Pets riding in the cabin must stay in a kennel, under the seat in front of their owner throughout the entire flight and while in the airport. Passengers with pets are required to check in with an Allegiant agent at the ticket counter or gate counter at least one hour prior to scheduled departure.
- How much does it cost to bring a carry-on pet on Allegiant Airlines? $50 per segment.
- What species are allowed to travel in-cabin as pets on Allegiant Airlines? Allegiant only allows domestic dogs and cats to travel on board as pets.
- How big can a carry-on pet be on Allegiant Airlines? A carry-on pet must fit comfortably in its carrier and may not protrude from the carrier.
- What kinds of kennels are allowed on Allegiant Airlines? All pets must be transported in a soft-sided or hard-sided enclosed leak-proof carrier. Allegiant strongly suggests a soft-sided carrier. The carrier may be no larger than 9 inches H x 16 inches W x 19 inches D.
- How many pets are allowed per passenger on Allegiant Airlines? Allegiant limits passengers to one pet carrier, but that carrier can contain up to two animals.
- Can more than one animal share a carry-on kennel on Allegiant Airlines? Allegiant allows up to two animals per carrier.
Rules for traveling with checked pets on Allegiant Airlines:
- What is Allegiant Airlines' policy regarding checked pets? Allegiant Airlines does not transport animals in the cargo bin.
Rules for traveling with Emotional Support Animals and Psychiatric Service Animals on Allegiant Airlines:
- As of Jan. 11, 2021, Allegiant Airlines no longer accepts emotional service animals. Any non-service animal must travel as a pet and meet the pet restrictions.
Rules for traveling with trained service animals on Allegiant Airlines:
- How does Allegiant Airlines define a trained service animal? "A service animal is a dog, regardless of breed or type, that is individually trained to do work or perform task for the benefit of a qualified individual with a disability,"
- Do you need to notify Allegiant Airlines in advance if traveling with a trained service animal? Allegiant requires the U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form to be emailed to [email protected] at least 48 hours prior to scheduled departure.
- What species and breeds are allowed as trained service animals on Allegiant Airlines? Dogs only.
- Are there size restrictions for trained service animals on Allegiant Airlines? The animal may only occupy the foot space of the disabled passenger and is prohibited from encroaching on the foot space of another passenger.
- What documentation is required to fly with a trained service animal on Allegiant Airlines? Allegiant requires the U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form to be emailed to [email protected] at least 48 hours prior to scheduled departure.
More information about Allegiant Airlines' service animal policies are available here.
Frontier Airlines Pet Policy

Frontier Airlines pet policy
- Carry-on pets: $99
- Service animals: No charge
Rules for traveling with carry-on pets on Frontier Airlines:
- How can pets ride in-cabin on Frontier Airlines? Pets riding in the cabin must stay in a kennel, under the seat in front of their owner throughout the entire flight.
- How much does it cost to bring a carry-on pet on Frontier Airlines? $99
- What species of animals are allowed to fly in-cabin on Frontier Airlines? Domesticated dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, or small household birds may be carried on flights within the United States. The following species are never accepted:Large birds (e.g. parrots, macaws, cockatoos, birds of prey), rodents (including mice, rats, squirrels), beavers, ferrets, reptiles (including snakes), amphibians, spiders, and insects (and please, no lions, tigers, or bears). Only domesticated dogs and cats may be carried to or from international destinations.
- How big can a carry-on pet be on Frontier Airlines? A pet flying in-cabin must be small enough to stand, turn around and lie down in a natural position inside the carrier.
- What kinds of kennels are allowed on Frontier Airlines? Maximum dimensions for a pet container are 18 inches length x 14 inches width x 8 inches height. Frontier recommends the container be a soft-sided case.
- Does a pet kennel count as your carry-on luggage on Frontier Airlines? Yes. A passenger traveling with a carry-on pet must count their animal's kennel as their carry-on item. They will still be allowed to bring one small personal item (like a purse or briefcase) in addition to the kennel or another carry-on bag for an additional fee.
Rules for traveling with checked pets on Frontier Airlines:
- What is Frontier Airlines' policy regarding checked pets? Frontier Airlines doesn't allow pets to fly as cargo.
Rules for traveling with Emotional Support Animals on Frontier Airlines:
- Frontier Airlines no longer accepts emotional support animals. Any non-trained service dog must travel as a pet and meet pet restrictions.
Rules for traveling with trained service animals on Frontier Airlines:
- How does Frontier Airlines define a trained service animal? "Only dogs will be accepted as a service animal which are trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a qualified individual with a disability. This includes psychiatric service animals."
- Do you need to notify Frontier Airlines in advance if traveling with a trained service animal? Passengers traveling with a service dog must complete and submit the DOT's Service Animal Air Transportation Form, attesting to the dog's health, behavior, and training. For reservations booked more than 48 hours prior to travel, Passengers must submit the completed Form no later than 48 hours prior to travel. For reservations booked less than 48 hours prior to travel, passengers must submit the completed Form in person to a Customer Service Agent upon arrival at the airport.
- What species and breeds are allowed as trained service animals on Frontier Airlines? Dogs only.
- Are there size restrictions for trained service animals on Frontier Airlines? The animal can be placed on the customer's lap (provided the animal is no larger than a child under the age of two) or on the aircraft floor provided it does not extend into the aircraft aisle, occupy an empty aircraft seat or encroach upon a neighboring seat, or eat off seatback tray tables.
- What documentation is required to fly with a trained service animal on Frontier Airlines? Passengers traveling with a service dog must complete and submit the DOT's Service Animal Air Transportation Form, attesting to the dog's health, behavior, and training. For reservations booked more than 48 hours prior to travel, Passengers must submit the completed Form no later than 48 hours prior to travel. For reservations booked less than 48 hours prior to travel, passengers must submit the completed Form in person to a Customer Service Agent upon arrival at the airport.
More information about Frontier Airlines' service animal policies are available here.