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Allergie del Bulldog inglese e allergie cutanee:sintomi e cause

Quindi, finalmente ce l'hai fatta. Hai portato a casa il tuo Bulldog e sei pronto ad amarlo, coccolarlo, viziarlo e, naturalmente, dargli da mangiare. Come ogni altro genitore di animali domestici, vuoi un cucciolo sano e felice e farai tutto ciò che è in tuo potere per assicurarti che il tuo cane sia ben curato.

Quindi, cosa fai quando il tuo bullo inizia a grattarsi o a soffrire di mal di stomaco? Cosa potrebbe essere e come puoi presentarlo?

Allergie al Bulldog inglese 

I Bulldog sono adorabili animali domestici di famiglia. Sono gentili, calmi, giocherelloni e, soprattutto, leali. La loro natura vivace e sciocca li rende ottimi compagni e i loro volti distintivi, con tutte quelle rughe e pieghe, fanno innamorare le persone nel momento in cui li sentono sbuffare.

La cattiva notizia è che i Bulldog sono incredibilmente inclini alle allergie e la maggior parte di loro ne soffrirà dopo essere stati esposti agli ingredienti alimentari per un lungo periodo.

Questa esposizione prolungata è chiamata sensibilizzazione. Significa che il cane sviluppa l'allergia attraverso l'esposizione, quindi non è una reazione immediata quando prova il particolare cibo.

Tuttavia, dopo aver mangiato lo stesso cibo per un lungo periodo di tempo, possono iniziare a mostrare segni di allergie. La buona notizia è che queste allergie sono generalmente molto facili da trattare.

Migliora le allergie con il cibo per cani della terra selvaggia

Che aspetto hanno le allergie nei cani?

Iniziamo osservando che aspetto hanno le allergie in un cane, in particolare un Bulldog. I cani che soffrono di allergie possono mostrare uno o più dei seguenti sintomi:

  • Prurito della pelle
  • Dermatite o eczema, che potrebbe essere difficile da individuare e trattare nei Bulldog a causa delle pieghe della loro pelle
  • Alveari
  • Diarrea o vomito
  • Starnuti
  • Orecchie pruriginose o persino infezioni croniche dell'orecchio
  • Gonfiore del viso, orecchie, labbra, ecc.
  • Leccarsi costantemente (soprattutto le loro zampe)
  • Occhi che cola

Quando si tratta di Bulldog, i sintomi a cui devi assolutamente prestare attenzione sono dermatiti e follicolite, che possono svilupparsi all'interno di quelle adorabili pieghe della pelle (e che non solo le rendono difficili da rilevare, ma espongono il tuo amico a un rischio maggiore di sviluppare infezioni ) e acne del muso.

You want to be on the lookout for itchiness and irritation around your bully’s skin folds, paying extra special attention to the face and the ears.

If you notice your bully develops itchiness and redness in his ears accompanied by a brown waxy discharge, or oily and flaky skin, you are most probably looking at an allergic reaction.

What Type of Allergies Do Bulldogs Have?

Bulldogs can develop several types of allergies, including: 

  • Environmental allergies (allergies caused by something in their environment) 
  • Allergies to food ingredients 
  • Contact allergies (something that touches their skin)
  • Genetic (less common, but is passed on by the parents) 

Let’s take a deeper look at each of these allergies.

Environmental Allergies

Bulldogs’ short coats and short stature mean they are always at risk of coming in contact with an irritant that can trigger an allergic reaction. This reaction can be caused by grass, wood shavings, a plant, and many other natural triggers.

They can also suffer from pollen allergies and dust mites. If your bully goes outside and comes in contact with an allergen on the ground, the odds are, they will show symptoms.

Skin Allergies

The folds of skin that we love so much in our bullies are also the main reason they are prone to skin allergies. As the skin folds on itself, the folds themselves can become filled with bacteria, leading to conditions like dermatitis, folliculitis, muzzle acne, and even bacterial infections.

These conditions manifest in the shape of irritation around their lovely wrinkles, so be very, very vigilant and always check the skin folds around your bully’s ears, eyes, paws, and face.


Purebred dogs are particularly susceptible to developing certain health conditions. In the case of Bulldogs, one of these health conditions is allergies.

Food Allergies

Most food allergies in dogs are a response to a specific type of protein. The most common proteins that cause allergies in bulldogs are beef, chicken, and pork.

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My Bulldog Has Allergies. What Can I Do?

Suppose you notice your Bulldog is struggling with any of the symptoms associated with allergies. In that case, the first thing you need to do is take them to the vet to make sure nothing else is wrong.

Some of the symptoms listed here for allergies can also occur with other health conditions, so it is better to have your bully checked by your vet to ensure everything else is okay. After the vet confirms that your bully is suffering from allergies, it is time to figure out what to do to prevent them.

Bulldogs are very sensitive to food allergens, which means you have to be very, very careful about the ingredients in the food you are giving them.

These are some of the most common food allergens that Bulldogs are more susceptible to:

  • Dairy
  • Corn
  • Soy
  • Wheat
  • Food dyes and artificial preservatives
  • Artificial seasonings
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Pork
  • Beef
  • Chicken 

Unfortunately, food allergies are notoriously tricky to diagnose and pinpoint, so the best course of action might be to avoid foods that contain some of the ingredients mentioned above.

What Should I Feed My Bully to Avoid Allergic Reactions?

Your best bet is to buy quality food that is made with Lamb or Bison protein. There are foods in the market that are specially formulated for your Bulldog.

These particular foods are not a special diet per se, but very high-quality foods that contain natural ingredients, free of preservatives and dyes.

The problem with lower-grade food is that it may contain unlabeled ingredients, which may pose a danger to your Bulldog’s health. So, when it comes to food, your best option is choosing high-quality food that contains the right amount of protein and is easy to digest.

If you notice that your Bulldog reacts to a particular ingredient in food, simply remove it from their diet, and switch to a higher-quality food.

  1. Comportamento
  2. Razze
  3. Nomi
  4. Adozione
  5. Formazione
  6. In-Fur-Mation
  7. Salute
  8. Adorabile
  9. cani